Chapter 1: Why, why did you do this father, dad?!

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This is based off something me and my friend Lalawolfie100 have made from headcanons.

This chapter concludes: Twins Virgil and Vira, younger brother Paranoia aka Ellias hurt-comfort, past trauma which is abuse, Unsympathetic Janus, Unsympathetic Remus.

Virgil and Vira had grown up around Janus and Remus, the two were abusive so it wasn't unusual for one of the twins to break down crying from memories of the abuse. Ellias did not know anything about the abuse because of Virgil quickly taking him away from from their parents, not wanting him to go through the same abuse. The light sides, their uncles and cousin accepted them into their home, seeing how shaken up the twins were. It took awhile for Roman to fully accept the Fear siblings. The reason? He didn't know his cousins very well, they never had family meet ups or anything. Virgil didn't mind being ignored by Roman, he just talked to his twin sister and their new parents. Vira had tried to talk to her cousin once or twice, he just ignored her, he doesn't care about her, well, that's what he says anyways. Ellias was too young to remember leaving Janus and Remus, getting to Logan and Patton's place, or how many times he saw his older siblings cry in their room.


It had been a couple of years, Roman has finally accepted his cousins into the house. Ellias has no idea why, he lived there his whole life so he thought Roman was actually his brother. Virgil and Vira had tried to explain how Roman is his cousin, but gave up after awhile...

Patton had just finished making dinner for everyone, calling everyone down to eat. "Come on down kiddos, dinner is ready!" The cat lover called out to the kids, setting up the table. Virgil walked down first, carrying Ellias at his back. Next was Vira and Roman, talking about a Disney movie that just came out. Logan was at work so he would not be joining. Everyone sat down, talking about their days, how bad or how good it was. Patton sat plates down, sitting down afterwards, joining in on conversations. Virgil had just finished eating before he heard a knock on the door, he excused himself from the table to go open the door. He opened the front door, just to see Janus and Remus standing there. "What do y'all want." The older Fear twin had said to the abusive couple. "We came to get you and your siblings, y'all have been gone for sometime now." Janus said to emo man. "Why, why father, dad?!" The younger man yelled at the two. Both of the older men stared at their son, pretending like they don't know why he doesn't want to come back. "We did nothing but be kind to you and your siblings, Virgil, why don't you want to come back?" This time it was Remus to speak. "You know why." Virgil replied to him, fixing to walk away and get Patton. Remus stops him by grabbing him, making the younger man look at him. "We may not have custody of you or your siblings, but we are still your parents." Janus said while Remus held their son still. "Y'all are not our parents. Stop trying to think y'all care when y'all don't." The oldest fear twin said to the two. Virgil forced Remus' hand off of him, walking into the kitchen to get Patton. "Dad, Jan and Re are here." He said to the cat lover. "Hm? Oh, why.." The father said to his son. "They are trying to get me, Vira, and Elli back, they know they don't have custody of us." Virgil replied to his fathers question. They stood there in silence for a few minutes, not saying one word. Patton finally left to the living room. He talked to the couple for.a few minutes, Logan coming homen and forcing the two to leave. Logan and Patton walks into the kitchen, noticing the siblings are no longer there. The couple walked around the house, looking in every room, finally reaching the siblings room. The tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Virgil, Vira open the door right this instant." Logan called out to the twins. There was shuffling heard on the other side of the door, right before it was slowly opened. "Are they gone?.." Virgil asked, Logan nodding at his question. He open the door fully, revealing his siblings who were on the floor. "They hopefully won't be coming back anytime soon." Patton told the three. The siblings nodded understandably at him.

That's the end of this chapter.

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