Chapter Two: Ellias'(Paranoia) Past. Part 1

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Ellias is Paranoia, Rowan is Dark Roman (not related to Roman at all.), Paxton is Dark Patton, Raymond is Light Remus, and Leon is Dark Logan

Ellias (Paranoia) was not always this sassy, paranoid teen, he used to be a kind child. No one knows what happened, well, Vira actually knows, but she won't talk about it. Anyways, Ellias, the youngest Fear sibling was in his room, writing poetry in a notebook for school, no one understands why he writes the poetry or vents in them. Virgil and Vira don't ask and encourages everyone else to do the same, not wanting to disturb Ellias. This is present day. Now onto the childhood he remembers.


Seven year Ellias had been walking around town for a few hours with his older siblings, not expecting anything new. He didn't notice anything new until he looked up and saw a new family move into an apartment, he had saw a young boy around his age, Rowan Knight. He didn't want to talk to him or anything, its just that Vira and Virgil forced him over. Rowan had just stared at Ellias, a little weirded out by how quiet he is. "Hello, I'm Rowan, what's your name?" Rowan asked the quiet man, not really expecting an answer. "I'm Ellias, Ellias Fear." The youngest sibling surprisingly said. Rowan smiled at the youngest fear sibling before Virgil called for him that they were going home. "Nice to meet you Ellias, I hope to see you around sometime!" He said the him, actually hoping they meet again. "You too, Rowan." Replied the paranoid boy, not sure if he wanted to see him again or not.

They did in fact see each other again, they go to the same school and are in the same classes. Rowan was extremely happy about it, Ellias on the hand still wasn't sure if he was happy or upset about it, he doesn't know Rowan or anything, but it seems like the excited man wants to be his friend. "Nice to see you again, Ellias!" The creative child said to the paranoid one. "You too." He replied, trying to walk to his seat. Rowan started dragging him somewhere else. And that's what happened all day, every day, Rowan would drag Ellias everywhere he went. They had become friends, Ellias letting Rowan drag him everywhere. They were extremely close, no one knows how they became this close, but they were stuck to each others sides everyday.

They have been friends for a few years now, they are 13 now, Ellias is at Rowan's place, trying to escape his siblings for once. "Hey Elli" Rowan asks Ellias innocently, knowing he doesn't really like that nickname. "Yes Ro?" He replies to his friend, extremely tired at the moment. Rowan asked Ellias why he doesn't invite him to his place, Ellias tells him that his siblings will be checking on them a lot, and that is is extremely annoying. Rowan just said okay, not asking anymore questions about it. Ellias was now drawing Rowan, it was extremely detailed, all the way down to outfit he was wearing.
Rowan was staring out the window, the perfect pose to draw, he had gotten the sketch done, trying to move onto the actual line art before Rowan asked what he was drawing. Ellias dismissed the question, telling him to go get something for him, Rowan being a good child, went to go get ehat Ellias asked for, leaving the artist alone to get the line art done. He started to color it, having good markers and pencils for these type of things. Ellias had finished coloring right as Rowan got back into his room. "I got the snacks you asked for!" Rowan announced as he entered the room. "Thank you, Ro." He answered the taller man. They had then just sat there, eating snacks, talking about their favorite things, and talking about their families. Ellias was talking about Virgil and Vira, not mentioning Logan, Patton, or Roman. Rowan ended up explaining how he is not biologically related to Paxton or Leon, he amd his brother, Raymond were adopted at a young age, neither remember their actual parents. Well their dad, no one knows his name. He died years ago, the twins were a year old when he died. Ellias stared at Rowan, a little shocked, but didn't ask about it. Ellias finally finished the drawing of Rowan, he showed the taller man. "It looks amazing, Ellias! I love it!" He told his short friend. Ellias didn't say, all he did was smile.

Ellias had just left, Virgil picking him up to leave. Once they got home, Ellias said hello to Patton and Logan, quickly going to his room. Ellias sat down on his bed, getting a canvas and paint. He first sketched out what he wanted to paint, then got the colors he needed. He ended up drawin Rowan, everything he drew or painted that entire day was of Rowan. He noticed every detail he added, embarrassed by how much he was drawing him. Virgil came to check on him, knocking on his door. "Ellias?" Virgil called out to the younger boy. "Yes?" He anwered the oldest. "It is time for dinner." He told Ellias, walking downstairs. Ellias walked out of his room, downstairs to the kitchen where Patton was setting up the table, Logan was finishing up the food, and Virgil was sat down at the table. Everyone was there.. Everyone but Vira. The younger twin was still upstairs, she had gone to Ellias' room. She had snuck in for Virgil, trying to figure out what Ellias has been hiding from them. All the pictures he made of Rowan is what she found, quickly running downstairs to tell everyone, stopping herself once she sees Ellias. He was sat down, waiting for food, not noticing Vira standing in the door way. After dinner, Ellias went to his room and layed down on his bed. All he could think about was Rowan. He doesn't know why...

To be continued

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