File #2

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I was so close to the end of my shift. I was practically dead on my feet. Not from physical strain or intellectual exhaustion, you understand. No, just the soul-wrenching, crippling, unending drudgery that poorly paid and underappreciated retail work offers. I finished shutting down the self-checkout machines and turned in the nightly check-in slips.

I proceeded to finish the day by stretching the final fifteen-minute break I never received into the last of my shift. There was nothing left to do anyway. Like many, I find that I understand Squidward Tentacles more as I work for this soul-sucking corporate entity. I even badmouth the outfit on the clock like he does without a second thought. The customers honestly love it.

Upon getting home I dragged myself out of the Cumulous and into the house. I stroked JJ on his back and he followed me into the living room where I flopped onto the couch. Jo called for me but I barely registered it. She came in and gave me pats on the head.

"Store full of idiots again?" She asked.

"Y'know, approximately 87% of self-check errors could be fixed by the customers themselves if they could just read on a third-grade level!" I squirmed like I was having a cartoon seizure.

"I know, sweetie, I know. You say that every week." Jo cooed to me. "It's okay, you're off now and just think! You only have tomorrow and then it's Roadrunner Day!" She was right. I was looking forward to getting together with our friends to record YouTube videos. Being able to hang out with my friends while simultaneously attempting to build a career was the highlight of my week.

"Yeah. The only problem is having to get through tomorrow." I mused. "I'm gonna blow off some steam with some GoW real quick before coming to bed."

"Okay. I'll wait for you since I've still gotta put some finishing touches on the latest Tales of Crystal City episode." Jo had been working hard to stay ahead of schedule.

I did as I said after getting changed into my pajamas. I continued to play my videogame a little later than I should have, but it helped me feel better. I finally joined Jo in the bedroom around 2 am with the intent to sleep in. I was between books right now, having scheduled The Criminology Chronicles for publication recently. That was the plan anyway.

At around 7:30 in the morning, my phone began ringing. Jo grabbed it for me and I took it in hand, seething with rage as I'm not a morning person even when I got to bed at a decent hour. According to my dear fiance, I once made a scam caller, who had the chutzpah to call early, cry.

"Hello, whoever the hell you are I hope you have thick skin because the only words I have for you will cut so deep your worthless ass will regret everything you've ever done in your empty life to the point your cheap-ass therapist may quit on you." I growled.

"... Wow." A familiar voice came through. "That was a side I could have done without." It was Detective Mowery! I sat up, the surprise hitting me like a shot of espresso.


"Yeah. Don't bother going to the store today." She said.

"Why?" I asked. I probably would have put it together myself except I was still dragging hard.

"Cuz you win, girl." I lowkey appreciated the acknowledgement of my genderfluid nature. "We need you to come in."

"Oh? To the Bureau?" Pressing further, I heard a ping on my phone. It was a text from Mowery.

"No, I sent you the location. You get it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there shortly!" I sprung from the bed, startling poor Kumori, who was curled up on my legs a moment ago. "Sorry Kumori!"

As quickly as I could, I got dressed in a graphic t-shirt and purple jeggings paired with my vibrant pink raincoat. I popped on a pair of shades and one of my wide-brimmed hats. Finally, I donned my new combat boots with wedge heels. I was about to leave when Jo stopped me.

"Don't forget this." She kissed me passionately. "And this." She then put one of my walking sticks in my hand, likely wanting me to have something for self-defence. "Now go get 'em, Sherlock."

I smiled and gave Jo one more peck for luck before practically jumping from the back stoop to get to my car. I hopped in and had to try several times to pull my seatbelt since I was so excited. I backed out of the driveway gently and had to hold back to keep from flooring it! I was back!

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