File #4

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As I assumed, finding the victim's apartment was not a difficult task. Once we got to the apartment complex that he had fled from, we could already see some police cars. The property manager had already called the cops for noise and damages from the previous night. The manager was furious as we approached him ranting to the officers outside of the room.

"I want this guy found! Not only do sketchy characters go in and out of here all the time, but look at this!" He yelled. "I don't wanna be a stereotype landlord, but someone's gonna pay for these damages!"

"I'm afraid you'll need to cash in on insurance, then." I chimed in as we approached the group.

"I'm sorry folks, please go around." One of the officers tried to guide us away until Mowery flashed her badge.

"Detective Mowery and Jay Dumire." The officer backed off as she introduced us. "You're the landlord?"

"Property manager. Marquez." He shook our hands. "What's this about?"

"Well, Mr. Marquez, I'm afraid this tenant won't be paying up." Mowery said.

"Nor were the damages on his head." I chimed in. "He was found dead down the road with tons of evidence of foul play."

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Like I told these gentlemen, this guy had all kinds of iffy people coming by," Marquez explained. "Creepy unmarked vehicles, suspicious packages from non-mail carriers, and I think you folks will find this interesting! Come on to my office."

"If you don't mind," I spoke up as he led Mowery away. "I'd like to stay and give the apartment a once over."

"Good thinking, Jay, go ahead." She turned to one of the cops. "You mind staying to guard the scene?"

"On it ma'am." He saluted casually.

"Be my guest, bud. Hope you find something." Marquez led the way as Mowery and the other cop he called followed him to his office.

I shook hands with the cop who stayed with me. We exchanged pleasantries, learning his name was Owen. Sadly, this was my only interaction with him, so his name only serves to keep me from calling him 'that guy'. I stayed by the door for a moment, taking note of the fact that the door wasn't only broken, it was ground apart at the knob. There were broken grip marks on several areas of the door and the frame. Whoever came in, they didn't do so lightly. I sifted my way into the room, trying to avoid the shattered side table. It wasn't as bad as an abandoned building, but it definitely needed some repairs. Most of the damage was isolated to the furniture and the doors, along with several scratches across the wall. I went straight to the bedroom, hoping he had a personal workstation or something in there. Thankfully I was right but his computer wasn't going to be much help. The thing was completely damaged beyond recognition but he thankfully kept some messy notes... although they may have been messy because of the ransacking. Several things here could be of use to us so I began collecting as many of the notes as I could. I put them into the binder that was open on the desk but then I noticed something out the window. A very familiar-looking car. A very familiar-looking red car. The same exact one that I saw outside of my house several times! I could tell because it still bore the damage from when the victim and Burke smashed into a pole!

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