More New People?!

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Jaden Yuki has logged on
Alexis Rhodes has logged on
Crow Hogan has logged on
Yusei Fudo has logged on
Jack Atlas has logged on

Jaden Yuki has updated his status:
hey guys, I want you to meet someone!


Alexis Rhodes: who is it?

Jaden Yuki: so, Lex, you remember the dark world, right?

Alexis Rhodes: yes...

Crow Hogan: what's the dark world?

Jaden Yuki: oh, it's this parallel universe where if you lose a duel you get sent to another dimension but when you watch, it's essentially like watching people die. Not the funest time I've had...but that's not the point

Alexis Rhodes: ugh! I hate that place *shivers*

Supreme King Haou has logged on

Supreme King Haou: rude

Alexis Rhodes: well it's not MY fault I had my emotions messed with and was forced into another dimension

Jack Atlas: I still don't get what was so bad about it

Jaden Yuki: well, you weren't there and therefore did not experience the pain that we all did

Supreme King Haou: @Alexis Rhodes, quit your whining and Jack as-

Jaden Yuki: Haou, language

Supreme King Haou: whatever

Crow Hogan: HAHA, He is a Jack as-

Yusei Fudo: Crow!

Crow Hogan: What? Leo and Luna aren't here! Jack gets away with swearing why can't I?

Jack Atlas: because, I'm the master of faster the ruler of duels!

Yusei Fudo: he's older than us, that's why. Not even Kalin can make him shut up

Jaden Yuki: who's Kalin?

Crow Hogan: old friend of ours

Jack Atlas: who tried to kill Yusei

Crow Hogan: twice

Alexis Rhodes: sounds like someone I know *glares at Haou*

Supreme King Haou: what? I don't really care, you can hate me all you like cause I'm here to stay

Alexis Rhodes: Jaden, get rid of him NOW!

Dragons251 has updated her status:
You're probably all thinking "omg whoa this story still exists?!" And the answer to that my dear readers is...APPARENTLY! But, I may or may not change some of the names to their Japanese names. Idk why, but I might. Depends tell me what you think! See you around! Dragons251 OUT!

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