Awkward Meetings are Awkward

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Jaden blinked as he found himself inside a garage. " I?" He muttered.

"OI! What are YOU doing in MY house?" Someone snapped. He had spiky blonde hair that looked like too much gel was used. He wore a long white coat and pants. He was really tall and had violet eyes. He had an arrogant aura around him, one that screamed 'LOOK AT ME! I HAVE A HUGE EGO!'

Jaden sat up. "What AM I doing in your house?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" The man yelled.

"Jack, stop yelling!" Another person yelled. This guy had orange hair that reminded Jaden of a porcupine. He had a bunch of yellow marks on his face. He wore an orange shirt with a brown vest over it and he had gloves that covered most of his hands and went up his forearm. He wore dark blue pants and brown combat boots.

"Um....hi!" The brunet said awkwardly.
The orange haired boy turned to look at him. "Oh, hey. How'd you get in here?"

"I dunno. I was wondering the same thing. I was on Facebook when this random person who always appears at the weirdest moments seemed to get annoyed with some of the people I was talking to and then I woke up here."

The blonde's mouth opened and closed for a minute as he tried to think of something to say.

"Um...this may sound kinda creepy but...are you Jaden Yuki?" The carrot top asked.

"Yeah," Jaden responded. "How'd you know?"
"Because, you were talking to me and helmet hair over there." The orange haired boy stated.

"That would make you guys Crow and Jack right?"


"Finally! Some recognition!"

That's when the door opened and Johan stepped inside, a boy and a girl next to him. They looked about 14 or 15. They both had teal hair, lighter than Johan's. The girl had her hair pulled back into pigtails, while the boy wore his hair in a singular ponytail. They both wore white coats and shorts. The boy wore a blue shirt while the girl wore a pink one.

"Hey-wait..what's that behind you!" The girl gasped.

"What? What's behind me?" Jaden asked, looking over his shoulder. The only thing he saw was Yubel.

"Ruka! Stop being weird! If he can't see anything, he can't see anything!" The boy scolded.

"B-but, Rua, there's something behind him! I'm not weird! You know that!" The girl, Ruka, insisted.

Jaden smiled at her. "Hey, don't be alarmed. What you're seeing is Yubel. She's one of the duel spirits in my deck. I'm guessing you can see duel spirits, too, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Cause, there are duel spirits hanging around you as well," Johan pointed out.

"Oh, right," Ruka chuckled.

That's when Yusei stepped in. He was wearing his usual black and red tank top, dark blue jeans and his brown boots. He wiped his dirty hands on a towel that he found by the stairs.

"Hey guys," the raven haired boy said. Yusei didn't even react to Jaden.

"What is it this time?" He asked.

Jaden shrugged. "I don't think the world is ending this time."

"Of course not," Crow muttered.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Rua asked.

The two duelists nodded.

"Do you remember when Neo Domino almost vanished from existence?" Yusei questioned.

The other signers nodded.

"Well, I managed to travel back in time and met Jaden in Venice-"

"Why was he in Venice?" Crow interrupted.

"Because, Johan's strongest monster, Rainbow Dragon, had been stolen by Paradox, just like Stardust so, I went to Venice to get it back. Paradox then escaped by going FARTHER back in time and was going to kill Maximillion Pegasus, which is when MY time started to fade so Yusei somehow travelled back in time to when Yugi Moto was the King of Games," Jaden responded excitedly.

Yusei continued in a much calmer manner. "Once we saved Yugi, Paradox challenged us to a duel. It was Jaden, Yugi and I against him. He claimed that it was duel monsters that ended up destroying the world,-"

"He was spouting total BS though!" Jaden stated.

"Anyways, we dueled Paradox and were nearly defeated by him-"

Jaden interrupted again, "But Yugi pulled out this sweet card that brought some of our cards back from the grave and then we all attacked Paradox and crushed him! Oh and Yusei got Stardust back!"

Everyone stared at the two blinking.

"Was it something I said?" Jaden asked.

"Jaden, we just said that we saved the future, how would you react to that?"

"Oh, good point. Anyways, now that we're here, we should totally have, a duel!" Jaden shouted, pumping his fist in the air. "What do you guys thinks?"

Crow shouted in agreement. "You're on!"

Jack scoffed but had a slight smirk, "I'd never turn down a duel!"

Johan pumped his fist in the air. "We should have a tag match!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah!" Jaden and Crow shouted, almost in unison.

"I'm NOT going to be on a team with Birdbrain!" Jack practically shouted.

Yusei shrugged. "I'll duel then."

"Great!" Jaden laughed. "It'll be me and Johan against Yusei and Crow!"

"Let's do it!"

"You're going down!"

"Ready when you are!"

A/N: annnnnnd that's the end of this chappie. So what do you think? Should I continue this? And should I write out the duel or just the beginning and say who the winner is? Also, who should be the winner? Yusei and Crow or Jaden and Johan? Tell me in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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