Well That Escalated Quickly

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Jack Atlas has logged on
The Chazz has logged on
Jaden Yuki has logged on
Crow Hogan has logged on
Crow Hogan has updated his status:
Jaden Yuki: me too!
Jack Atlas: Shut up, Birdbrain
Crow Hogan: What was that, helmet hair?!
Jack Atlas: HELMET HAIR?!
The Chazz: idiots
Jack Atlas: what was that you arrogant prat?
The Chazz: you heard me
Crow Hogan: um, Jack, you're an arrogant prat too you know
Jack Atlas: you're just jealous of my skills
Crow Hogan: no...no I'm not actually because, guess what? People actually LIKE me
Jack Atlas: why you-
Crow Hogan and Jack Atlas have been disconnected
Rua and Ruka have joined Facebook
Kalin Kessler has joined Facebook
Rua has updated his status:
Why are Jack and Crow trying to kill each other?
Jaden Yuki: not sure, they started arguing and then they got disconnected
Ruka: well...that makes sense
Rua: how?
Kalin Kessler: well, those two never got along when we were kids
Rua: KALIN?!
Jaden Yuki: hi! I don't know you guys!
Rua: Hi!
Ruka: hello!
Kalin: sup?
Dragons251: for crying out loud, you know what? You guys are just gonna meet each other. I've given up on the timeline
*GX characters get transported to 5D's world*
Dragons251: *cackles manically* that's it for this chapter, sorry it's short but the next chapter will be everyone meeting and awkwardness will ensure! MWHAHAHAHA

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