Game time (part 2)

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Super rainbow has updated his status:

Let's start!


Kicka$$girl: and may the odds be ever in you favor

Next king of games: I know who kicka$$girl is! And super rainbow!

Super rainbow: ...that was quick

Metal dragons: it's fairly obvious who super rainbow is and next king of games

Next king of games: well your Zane! Super rainbow is Jesse and kicka$$girl is Alexis

Metal dragons: good job Jaden you got something right

Super rainbow: was it that obvious?

Kicka$$girl: I didn't know it was you at first Jesse but it makes do have the RAINBOW dragon

Super rainbow: ....

The Chazz: idiots

Vehicle guy: wow Chazz that's a REALLY bad choice

The Chazz: well it's better than 'super rainbow'

Super rainbow: 😣

Next king of games: hey! Don't insult Jesse!!

The Chazz: oh shut up Jaden!

Metal dragons: vehicle guy is Syrus

Vehicle guy: ZANE!

Dragons251: XD THIS IS AWESOME!!

Super rainbow: uh...who are you?

Dragons251: uhm..........oh look a bunny bye!

Dragons251 has logged off

Vehicle guy: that was weird...

Metal dragon: very

Super rainbow: I get the feelin' she was stalkin' out conversation

The Chazz: she was probably doing it cause the Chazz is here

Next king of games: I doubt it Chazz

Kicka$$girl: ya Chazz why would she want to be here ONLY for you?

Super rainbow: ...i feel like somebody else is stalkin' our conversation

I-am-a-super-genius: it took you all this long to figure out I was here?

Next king of games: hey bastion

I-am-a-super-genius: how did you know?

Kicka$$girl: cause your the only one of us who'd actually write that

Alligator fan: Alexis is right mate that was too obvious

Super rainbow: I'm guessin' here but Jim?

Alligator fan: haha yep

Demon girl: your all idiots

Kicka$$girl: uh...

Next king of games: who are you?

Demon girl: you'll find out sooner or later *smirks*

Dragons251 has updated her status:

Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter, if you were confused here's a list of who was who

Super rainbow: Jesse

Next king of games: Jaden

Kicka$$girl: Alexis

Metal dragons: Zane

The Chazz: do I need to say it?

Vehicle guy: Syrus

I-am-a-super-genius: bastion

Alligator fan: Jim

Demon girl: you'll find out

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