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Delquint Katsuki x Teacher Izuku

Omegaverse au

Description: Katsuki is known as the school's delinquent. He's a troublesome hot headed omega who's usually known for butting heads with his peers who are usually alpha's and comes to the only person he can trust that being his alpha teacher, Midoriya who is always there to help him until one day gives him an offer that pushes their relationship.

Cw: out of character Izuku and Katsuki along with (Legal) age gap. Katsuki is eighteen.

The final bell rung and with that the school day was over and now began every u.a students break which most were already clearing out of the school quite ready to start their break.

Though one boy was heading further into the school. His hands balled into a tight fist and his eyes narrowed as he pushed his way through the crowded hall soon picking up on that only scent that he could stand in this building.

A wonderful scent of an alpha, the only alpha that he tolerated believe it or not.

After all he was the only one that not only caught his eye but the only alpha that he could trust here anyway..though he found himself sighing as he stood at the door knowing there was going to be a stupid ass lecture but with one final huff, He opened the door.

"Katsuki" His teacher groaned as he buried his face in his hands. "Again? I can't b inelieve you." His voice was muffled but his student understood exactly what he was saying.

There Katsuki, His most troublesome student, stood before Midoriya, His Homeroom Teacher. They had been in this situation plenty of times with Katsuki standing in front of his teacher's desk, covered with cuts and bruises from another fight. It was honestly a miracle he didn't end up in a full body cast since the boy was an omega who was always trying to fight the alpha's that dared bother him with their bullshit and you think they'd stay clear of an omega fighting back but somehow it would always attract more trouble then again it proved how hard headed alphas could be..

Izuku looked up just in time to notice the way his  nose scrunched up for a moment before his lip twitched a little showing off his small fangs for a small moment. "They fucking started it"  He spat.

The usual answer.

They started it so katsuki would simply finish it.

"There's other ways to handle this y'know, you can't just keep beating up alpha's you have a problem with.." Izuku understood why but he was getting himself in more and more trouble because of it and well sooner or later the school would stop taking his side. The omega was now seen as the school's delinquent which unfortunately was already true since the omega was of his most troublesome student which was quite the shame for he held so much potential.

"Like fucking hell I can!" He snapped, His raspy voice rising in volume as a small explosion erupted from his hand to show off his power something Bakugo was quite proud of and something that the older alpha also admired though he really had a fascination with all quirks but there was just something about Katsuki in general. "Hell, I can beat any shitty alpha that comes my way,'' The omega boasted proudly with a toothy grin, causing Izuku to look him in the eyes with a genuine look of concern. "Please. Please. Don't." The older man said firmly before sighing as he slouched into his seat and pulled his reading glasses off, setting it down on the paperwork that he was looking over that happened to be about this said student's test paper. "Are you trying to get kicked out? This is your third year..they can't keep giving you so many chances''.

Katsuki scoffed and crossed his arms against his chest. "You don't need to worry about me, old man! Im perfectly capable of taking care of my damn self besides all I'm fucking doing is putting these shitty alpha's in their place not only that but it'd look bad on u.a's part kicking an omega out" He points out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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