Its Only The Beginning

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Amber rushed over to the two. "What happened?" Amber announces. "She hit her self with the baseball bat." Amber snickers a bit from hearing that. Mya wakes up a few short minutes later, and sees a group of 30 or more zombies. "Kids, get into the car, we need time for a better and easier cure or we need to get out of the city or even the country." Mya's mom declares. "So, where do we go?" Amber asks. "Hospital, then the airport." Mya's mom (Lucy) retracts. "We don't have enough money for 3 airplane tickets!" Mya says. "Well, then we'll have to drive." Mya's mom says with an evil grin. The tired group drive for several hours until they reach Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. "Girls, were gonna keep driving." Lucy says with a evil grin, yet again.

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