chapter thirty seven

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I actually contemplated DNF-ing this book. I decided against it. 

You're welcome.


Chapter 37

Mina Alise Bennett took one step at a time as she ascended the staircase in the Mikaelson Compound. After yesterday's revelations, there was some part deep within her mind that was trying to convince her to do something. And while she didn't know if it was the best idea in the world, she couldn't lie like she hadn't been wanting this for months.

Taking in a deep breath, she stopped in front of the mahogany door. Not bothering enough to knock, she waved her hands, her magic doing her bidding and thrust the door open.

Elijah turned around, her presence interrupting him placing a book on his shelf. "Niklaus and Bonnie were here moments ago. I believe they have retired to Niklaus' bedroom."

Mina shut the door open. "I'm not here for Bonnie."

The original twisted his head ever so slightly, only displaying shock for a moment. "Oh?" He questioned. "I don't believe—"

"Oh, shut up," She groaned, marching over to the original, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him into the deepest kiss she's had in almost three years. Elijah slid his hands around her hips, drawing her in closer. To him, her lips were intoxicating. As the Bennett witch pushed her body into his chest, Elijah used his teeth to pull slightly on her bottom lip.

Moaning, Mina turned them around, pushing everything off the desk behind him and sliding onto it. She had only done one drug in her life and his name was Elijah Mikaelson. Mina knew she was heavily addicted to this one vampire. She had avoided that truth for months and now it was time to face what the reality of the fact was.

She was in love with this idiot.

But she wasn't stupid.

Pushing him away slightly, their lips disconnected. "If we do this, I can't come in last place, Elijah. You can't choose every member of your family over me. Promise me."

Elijah looked into her eyes. He could see her vulnerability practically drowning her. "I give you my word. In a thousand years, I've never loved someone as much as I love you Mina. Give me one more chance to prove that to you."

Smiling, the Bennett pulled her lover towards her, their lips connecting once again. With her mouth on his, she pushed his suit jacket off of his shoulders as she kicked off her heels.

"I need you, 'Lijah," She pleaded, undoing the buttons on the blouse she had just put on. If she knew this was how her meeting with Elijah would end, she should've just shown up naked. "Like now."

Elijah pushed her hands to the side, dipping down to suck on her neck. Yanking on her blouse, the shirt ripped apart, the white buttons going everywhere.

"Hey, 'Lijah. Nik—" The two heard before the door opened. Before either of them could prepare, the door swung open, exposing a surprised heretic. "You know what, never mind." She winked at Mina before giving her a thumbs up and closing the door.

Mina sat up, folding her hands over her chest. Looking up, she grinned at the original, trying her hardest to hide her blushing at what she and Elijah had just got caught doing. "I'm guessing Klaus is calling a meeting to talk about the whole Esther problem."

"I'm sure my brother can handle the planning part without me present," Elijah proposed, leaning back in.

Mina giggled, moving to the side, effectively dodging his attempt to resume where they had left off. "As soon as we kill your bitch mother, we can spend all day in here," She smiled, frowning when Elijah's face had gone from happy to dead puppy within seconds. "What?"

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