let's bathe together

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https://youtu.be/mh3ahFa9iYw?si=ctlSVKENavA6urd8 : youtube

Huang Guo was a healthy seventy-year-old man.

Huang Guo's white hair was brushed smoothly. His white hair combined with his dark blue clothes made him look intimidating.

Yn thought the rumor about Huang Guo's strong aura was true.

Taehyung felt Yn's back tensed and he discreetly stroked her hand.

Huang Guo's guests were seated around two banquet tables. Huang Guo's sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren were all gathered in the imperial city.

Huang Guo had three sons and one daughter who were scholars and a beautiful phoenix. His daughter was Consort Chen, his three sons were magistrates and married women from prominent families. It was a pity Consort Chen died while pregnant and ruined Huang Guo's chance of having a grandson become emperor.

After Huang Guo resigned from the imperial court there was an assassination attempt on his life. Two off his guards were killed by poisoned arrows. Afterward for a period, his manor was isolated and he was recovering from an illness.

After the banquet Yn was forced to listen to a group of women gossip. In the past she met them at banquets in the palace, but never talked to them and didn't expect to be related to them through marriage. It was hard for her to tolerate their endless gossip. But she answered their questions in a friendly manner and smiled politely.

Yn praised third aunt's white soft skin and for raising young intelligent children who would grow up to be successful adults. Then she turned to the ordinary second aunt and struggled for a while to think of a praise. 'I heard second aunt is also from a Yang household. Five hundred years ago we would have been in the same tribe.'

While Yn was being a courteous guest she glanced often at the locked door of a nearby chamber.

Taehyung was detained in the locked chamber for a long time. Incense sticks were burning inside the quiet chamber. He sat opposite Huang Guo who looked at him with complex eyes. He lowered his head, blew on a cup of tea but didn't sip the tea. Neither of them wanted to open their mouths first.

Taehyung wasn't impatient. He believed little lion was coping against the group of women. After a long silence, Huang Guo conceded.

'Don't you want to change your position?' Huang Guo asked.

Taehyung smiled and knocked on the wooden chair he sat on. 'This is a good position.'

'Did you wanted to deal with Sooya long ago?' Huang Guo asked.

'Sooya is uncle Fan's niece,' Taehyung said. 'Uncle Fan is good to me. I thought in the future she would become my second wife, but she...' He feigned anger and regret. 'But she is still uncle Fan's niece. In the past uncle Fan once saved me... besides, nothing bad happened so I forgave the offence.'

Huang Guo's face darkened. Last night Sooya was chased back to his manor and she explained what happened in Taehyung's manor. He understood that Taehyung saw through his careful scheme and realised he underestimated the unfavored prince. But he knew Taehyung wouldn't retaliate because Gentleman Fan had once saved Taehyung's life.

'It was indeed a good scheme,' Huang Guo praised grudgingly.

Taehyung didn't deny Huang Guo's words and he quietly drank tea. Some things were better kept inside the heart. If they were voiced, it'd lose its beauty.

'Except, don't you want to avenge your mother Consort Chen?' Huang Guo asked triumphantly.

Taehyung felt like his heart jumped out of his chest. He didn't know why Huang Guo suddenly asked about Consort Chen. He didn't expose Huang Guo's scheme to conceal his own scheme and the blame was poured over a maid with a cruel conscience.

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