The meeting

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Ben's grip on me wavers and I seize the chance to push him as hard as I can. He tumbles backward, stunned.I turn my head to the man who spoke moments ago. I look him up and down, grateful for his intrusion unlike Ben who is scowling at him. He's very tall with black short hair and a piercing gaze though its too dark for me to make out the color of his eyes. He looks intimidating.

 "What's it to you?" Ben takes a step closer to the man, looking him square in the eye and trying to play the tough one. 

 "Nothing, but I do believe this is called rape and I'm not the kind to walk by without helping out a young miss who has made the mistake of drinking with you", the man says, glancing in my direction and making me flush a deep crimson. I can not believe this is happening. 

 Ben looks at me, a hurt expression on his face than glances back at the man, his expression hardening. "Me and Sarah have known each other for quite a while so I believe we had things under control", Ben's voice is strained and it's obvious he's trying to keep his voice from wavering. He really is drunk because he walks over to me, drapes a hand on my shoulder and starts dragging me in the direction of the bar again.

My head is too foggy to try and process all this, so I slowly walk back to the bar with Ben until a hand clamps down on my wrist. 

 "I don't think the lady wants to go anywhere with you after the stunt you pulled off a while ago", the man says, pulling me away from Ben and for the first time I notice he has a deep British accent. 

I felt a bit grateful, I really didn't want to go anywhere with Ben at this moment. 

 Ben looks at me expectantly, but I give him a cold stare, making it clear that I can't deal with him tonight, until I think he finally gets the idea. With a look of utter disbelief, he walks back in to the bar alone, slamming the door behind him. 

 I glance nervously at the stranger beside me who lets out a breath.

"You should really be more careful who you choose to go out drinking with if you're going to get this drunk", he simply says in his gorgeous English accent, looking down at me. He looks a bit intimidating, honestly but for some reason, I'm not that frightened by him even though logic says I should be.   

Outside a club, the middle of the night, a total stranger who just saved me from my best friends attempt at sexual harassment. What a birthday... I flush, glancing at my feet. 

"Ben is a really close friend, I never thought he'd try anything like this", I mutter, not quite understanding why I'm explaining myself to this man.  

My legs are starting to hurt from the silver heels Anna lent me and I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach from all the alcohol.

 I reach my hand out to steady myself against the wall, almost tripping over my own legs if it weren't for the strangers help. 

 "Hey, are you okay?" He asks in a concerned tone. His arm around my waist s the only thing keeping me upright. 

 "I'm fine", I manage to mutter before doubling over and throwing up my entire stomach, all over the man's shoes.  

I flush crimson with embarrassment as he gently pulls my hair back and hands me a napkin. 

"Thanks", I mutter, wiping my mouth. 

"You're welcome", he replies, his dark eyes never leaving mine.

 I think they're blue actually. 

 " Can you make your way home or do you need help with that too?" He asks, looking around. 

  What is he? Some kind of super hero that goes out at night helping damsels in distress? 

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