Secrets & Hot Chocolate

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Once we're out, a gush of cold wind hits me and I'm grateful for the cool night air. It feels good against my hot and flushed face.

"So where are we going?" I ask as Alec strides across the street with me in tow.

"Well, I was thinking we could head back to my place." I'm just opening my mouth to protest when Alec places his hand on my mouth, halting my words. "BUT, I know you probably wouldn't want to, so instead, I'm taking you to this Cafe I know. I think it's only three blocks from here."

"I'm glad you're starting to get to know me better Mr. Brown." I smile, staring at the floor.

We walk for a couple of minutes in silence, our hands still entwined and I feel butterflies in my stomach when his thumb starts tracing small circles on my knuckles

Gosh, I feel like an 8th grader with her first boyfriend.

I spot a brown sign a couple of streets away and I think that's where we're headed.

The sign simply says "Sweet's n' Treat's" in big pink letters. Alec opens the door for me, making the little bell over the door ring.

A smell of coffee and fresh bakeries fill my nostrils as I glance around the cozy looking café.

Brown,round wooden tables cover half the café, with matching white wooden chairs. There are a couple of brown couches beside the glass floor-to-ceiling ceiling windows on the side, giving the place a comfy look. In the middle of the back wall, an old-looking jukebox hums a slow, soothing tune beside a small fish aquarium, holding more than 10 clown fishes of all sizes. There's only one other couple in the restaurant and the boy glances up when we enter,making the girl turn around as well.

There's an old, gray haired woman behind the counter who raises a surprised eyebrow at Alec before quickly smiling warmly at us. Alec leads me to the counter where he orders us two hot chocolates and a cinnamon muffin.

"Coming right up", the woman says brightly, disappearing in to the kitchen.

We sit on the comfy brown couches in the corner, looking out at the people walking on the sidewalks.

"This place is really cozy", I say, clearing my throat.

"Yeah, I come here when I need a coffee or sometimes when I want to read. Not much people come here though", he replies, looking around the almost empty café.

"How did you come across it?" I ask, reaching down to pull off my black heels before placing them beside the table. Alec glances curiously at them and I shrug.

"Well, when I was 20, I had this huge fight with my mother and I wanted to get out of the house to let off steam. Normally, I would've gone to a bar and drank but that time, I didn't feel comfortable at the bar so instead of getting in my car and driving around, I walked and walked until I came across this place. I heard my favorite song playing from the jukebox and decided to go in", he says, "Agnes has owned the place for over 10 years now", he says, gesturing to the woman coming our way with a tray in her hand.

"That's quite impressive", I say, smiling at her while she places a cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows in front of me, and one in front of Alec, and then places a big cinnamon muffin in between us.

"Thanks Agnes", says Alec warmly and she smiles fondly at him, her eyes crinkling at the corner and leaves, disappearing into the kitchen .

I suspect Alec is not telling me everything about this place. It obviously means something to him but I decide to let it go for tonight.

"What's your favorite song?" I ask him, taking a sip of my hot chocolate and savoring the sweet taste.

Alec suddenly gets up and heads to the Jukebox. He searches his pocket for a penny then presses a few buttons and the jukebox comes to life. The music starts playing when Alec slides back down on the couch opposite of me, regarding me with attention while I listen to the beautiful melody playing.

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