Part 1 //Favour

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(Sorry I've been away for so long, I was busy with exams & kinda forgot to write )

Your blade drips with fresh blood while the evening wind breezes through your hair. Your latest victim is desperately breathing in an effort to stay alive.

But you already know they're not gonna live long. After all you've cut their legs off a few moments ago no one is gonna survive that untreated. Waisting their last breath by crawling away

Just as I expected.

At that moment your phone rings,  an unknown number is calling you. You try to ignore it but every time you hang up your phone rings again.

You huff in annoyance turning off the device before looking back at the body preparing at what you'll have to do.

You clean your blade a little as kneel before the corpse, closing your eyes and counting to three.

1 ... 2 ... 3

You hold your knife more steadily and starts marking into their skin.


You can't help but grimace at the sounds of the dead skin splitting apart. The invading corpse smell doesn't help. You stand up relieved you're done with it, your client had a weird request that was for sure.

You step off the metal roof of the building to get back to the party. As you slip in you notice that the music is awfully quiet. But you just continue on and sneak through the hall to the bathroom.

You look around before entering the bathroom. You quickly wash your blood stained face and fix your hair, gets changed back into a party dress with your hair loose.

You slip out of the bathroom, mending in the crowd. A crowd that was once loud and chaotic  but now it's just depressive. People are so quiet that coughing could be seen as loud.

Some people even look scared for some reason.

What happened here?... but oh well easier escape I guess.

You take your things and leave. After exiting you notice that even the streets are all dull with a lot of ruckus in the distance. Your curious mind goes to the noise, walking to the busy street you see a lot of people watching the big screen in the middle of the crossroad.

The news is on talking about some scandal involving U.A. and pro heroes. Talking about taking accountability and some other things. You don't really know, not that you're listening either.

The audience is clearly concerned about the situation though making you curious.

So you go ask a man what's happing, too lazy to actually pay attention.

You pat his shoulder making him turn to look at you, "Yes?"

"Uhm what are they talking about?"

The man looks at the screen and back to you, "You don't know what happened with U.A.?"

"No, not really."

"Well a villain group kidnapped one their students just now along with a pro hero."

"Wait, really? That's so horrible" you say in a worried tone not that you actually care. You're not an unemotional monster or anything you just don't care about heroes. Since they never helped you when you were in need so why would you ever help them?

"I know right but luckily the heroes are currently searching for them," he sighs. You relax your muscles upon hearing his statement, letting out a breath, "That's good. And thanks for telling me."

"You're welcome and keep safe out there, criminals are everywhere these days," the man waves. Smiles, "Will do, have a nice night," walking back to the quieter streets of the city.

It's strange, the fact that U.A. let that happen. Aren't they supposed to be the most elite school or something? And who would even kidnap a student? A hero you would get, but a student? When you think about heroes your mind goes to All Might. And he reminds you of that man who helped with your finances at the start of your independence. Or more of his supposedly successor, he's apparently obsessed with taking down the hero society along with All Might.

That man would always talk about that boy, about how great he was but to you he just sounds like a spoiled man child. But he helped you tremendously with money so you just kept silent and spoke when needed to. You owe him a lot and all he said he would just call you if he was ever in need.

That reminds me.

What if he was the strange caller.

Oh shit.

You quickly turn it on your phone. Tapping your fingers hastily on one of the missed calls waiting for the man to pick up. After a minute the person finally answers.

"Hello? Who is this?" I ask.

"You're Y/n, am I correct?"


(I know it's short)

Healing Touch//Tomura Shigaraki x (fem)readerWhere stories live. Discover now