the thousand and seven

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" talk about fancy taste " izuku whistled looking at the agency in front of him while the soldier removed his handcuffs after he existed the armory " so where's the third year that will show me around? " " over here " izuku looked to the floor underneath him to see a face of a boy with yellow hair smiling " yo " " you know that's creepy as hell right?" " I usually do this prank to people when I met them for the first time and you're the first to not freak out " " I'm past the phase of being surprised by that " the boy started to get out of the floor until he was standing wearing his white and golden hero costume" togata mirio, hero name lemilion, nice to meet you " " izuku Necrophades, likewise " " you don't look as scary as the news sell you " " I know right? I'm just an innocent cinnamon roll and they hate for no reason, look " izuku turned to a hero and started to wave his hand to him with a smile only to be met with a scoffing face " see?" Mirio started to laugh before patting izuku's back " don't worry I'm sure sir won't be like them " ( yeah I know, he will be worse) " so is he on his office?" " yeah he asked to bring you there, let's go " .

After they reached the second floor Mirio knocked the door " sir, I brought izuku like you asked " izuku followed mirio as they entered the room where a man was sitting on his desk writing on papers. Few minutes of silence passed with no one making any sound until the man put his pen on the desk and stood up walking to izuku grabbing him by the collar " what the hell you're here for izuku? " ( I have never seen sir this angry before, is it really just because of his link with zorc?) " I know the airhead was your favourite but can't you at least pretend to be happy to see your nephew for the first time in 10 years? That's cold, even for you " " wait, NEPHEW!" mirio looked between the two as if waiting for one of them to answer him as nighteye released izuku" oh you don't know senpai? I guess he won't tell even his closest workers about it but you see he's bitch might brother so that makes him my unc-" izuku was cut when nighteye suddenly punched him in the face which caused izuku to back away slightly with some blood coming out of his nose " I don't know how you managed to convince principal nezu to help you with this but know that I will never forgive you for what you have did and don't dare calling me uncle anymore " " that's even better " izuku's expressions turned to serious one as he healed his nose and looked at nighteye " I was worried you will start with 'we are family' bullshit but since it's not the case let's get straight to the point without wasting any more time, shall we?" Nighteye turned to his desk and grabbed a stack papers and threw it at izuku who catched it " overhaul, he's the leader of the yakuza clan that are the biggest threat beside the league of villains, you got 1 hour as we agreed " " that's more than enough " " woah hold on new, what in the world are you talking about?" " I will explain on the way senpai, now let's go " izuku walked out of the room followed by the confused mirio.

Flashback a week ago

" come on in " izuku entered nezu's office and stopped with his gaze moving between nezu and the man who was sitting on a couch in his left " you wanted to see me?" " actually it's the gentleman here who wanted to talk to you, he- " " the boss of the HSPC, cut the crap and tell me what do you want cause I think I will get sick from the smell of your breath if I stayed for too long" " WHAT DID YO- " " sir, I would appreciate it if you kept your voice down, classes are still going" the man looked angrily at nezu who calmly drank his coffee " don't forget who you're talking to nezu, I can easily kick you out of your pos-" " it's principal nezu for you and I'm perfectly aware of who I'm talking to " nezu put his coffee on the table and looked at the HSPC boss " I'm talking to an oversized spoiled brat who thinks he can order everyone as he wish but I got some news for you " nezu stood up on his desk and walked until he was in the same eye level with him " you can be the president of the United States for all I care, but no one and I mean NO ONE disrespect me in my school and in front of my students, now although it will be hard for you how about you sit down and tell us what you want so we can have a civilised discussion?" " if it's about my internship I already have a deal for you " izuku sit opposite to the man with his leg over the table " I know you have some problems with the yakuza clan where uncle's agency is so here's the deal; I will get you enough information to have advantage on them when you do a raid, in exchange I will ask you for a favour later on " "  and how do I know you won't run away ?" " believe me if I wanted to leave no one can stop me but I will play along with you, how about we do a sacred pact? If one of us tries to betray the other he will end up dying " " and how we do that?" Izuku tapped on the table for blue flames to surround it for second as a paper appeared" I get 1 hour to walk around the city and do whatever I want as long as I don't hurt any heroes or civilians, after that one hour is up I will have 5 minutes to go back to the agency or my heart will stop. I also can't use time stopping to increase the duration, as for my conditions I don't want any hero to interfere with me with anything more than words or looks since it can't be helped, second as mentioned I will ask for a favour later which also won't hurt any heroes or civilians and but can't refuse it or your heart will stop as well" izuku took the paper which had written everything he said and baited his finger and put a drop of his blood on the paper before passing it to the HSPC leader " if you accept it the sacred pact will take effect starting from the moment I receive the information of my target from nighteye until I get my favour or I don't come back before the 5 minutes are over" " very well, I accept " like izuku the man baited his finger and dropped blood on the paper which got burned  by the blue flames immediately " you better ke-" before he could finish izuku had already disappeared from his place " it seems our meeting is over, have a nice day and please do visit us again " the man shouted nezu an angry look while he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

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