Day Four

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When Lily got up, she wanted to tell Elaine her real answer to her question. She got dressed and went downstairs. Elaine was making eggs and pancakes for breakfast. It was almost done by the time Lily came downstairs. Lily knew she had slept in, but she got downstairs as quickly as she could. Elaine was happy that Lily just didn't sleep all day. Elaine finished the food and handed a plate to Lily. Lily took the food and sat on the couch. Elaine sat next to her and started to eat. Lily decided to just tell Elaine and get it over with. She took a deep breath and said that she did love her. Elaine spit out the food she had. Lily was worried that she upset Elaine, so she said sorry. Elaine got a hold of herself and told Lily she didn't need to say sorry. Lily said, "Okay," and started to eat. Elaine cleaned up the food and sat back down. Elaine asked Lily if she was fine with her not being able to love her back. Lily said that was fine, and Elaine could still show she cares. Elaine agreed and started to eat, too. Lily relaxed a bit and asked Elaine if she liked her too. Elaine said that she does want to date her but just feels bad for Lily. Lily said that it's fine and she is just happy she won't die alone. When Lily said that, Elaine started to cry. Lilly gave her a hug and tried to comfort Elaine. Elaine looked at Lily and said that she's immortal and couldn't die Lily can. Lilly said that it's fine and she still loves her. Elaine said that it wasn't fine and Lilly wouldn't be loved back, and she would die too. Lily asked Elaine if she could use magic to make her immortal. Elaine said she could and got up. She ran up to her room to grab a book. Elaine went to a book shelf and grabbed a book, and started to go downstairs. Lilly decided not to ask the rest of her questions so elaine wasn't over welmed. Elaine sat down and started to look through the book. She stopped at a page. Elaine turned to look at Lily and asked if she really would wanted to do this. Lily said she did, and they could do it later. Elaine said okay and closed the book. They finished breakfast and just sat on the couch. Lily then asked why demons couldn't feel love. Elaine said that she didn't know, and they just couldn't. Lily said okay, and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Lily then asked if Elaine did get a wish, What would she wish for. Elaine said that she would wish to feel love. Lily said okay and then asked why she asked for a girl to be sacrificed. Elaine said that she was tired of the men flirting with her. Lilly said that she didn't flirt with her, but she still didn't die. Elaine laughed and said that she thought Lily was too cute to eat. Lily said that she told her. Elaine agreed and asked why she started to cry when she saw her. Lily said that she was scared, and seeing Elaine, she made it worse. Elaine then asked if Lily was still scared of her. Lily said that she wasn't and told Elaine that she is very nice and pretty. Elaine laughed and called lily cute thing to get back at her. Lily blushed and told her to stop doing that. Elaine said no, and this went on for about an hour.

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