Chapter 4: Rising from the Ashes

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now we countinue with the battle between izuku and elder jackson..........lets begin

The battle between Paladin Midoriya and Elder Jackson raged on the deck of the Arwen. Izuku, fueled by years of determination and the weight of his past, fought with unwavering resolve. The combat was fierce, echoing through the metal corridors of the ship. Each strike and counterstrike told a story of Izuku's journey—of overcoming pain, loss, and the quest for a purpose.

In a climactic moment, Izuku, with a burst of energy, disarmed Elder Jackson and brought him to his knees. The elder acknowledged defeat with a nod, and the ship's intercom crackled to life.

Elder Jackson: "Paladin Midoriya, you have proven yourself worthy. Rise as the new Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel."

As the realization of his victory sunk in, Izuku, now Elder Midoriya, extended a hand to help Elder Jackson up. The two shared a moment of mutual respect and understanding, acknowledging the weight of their roles.

Elder Midoriya: "Thank you, Elder Jackson. Your leadership won't be forgotten."

After securing the Arwen, Elder Midoriya returned to the Prydwen, where Elder Maxson awaited. The Brotherhood leader recognized Izuku's achievement and had something special in mind.

Elder Maxson: "Paladin Midoriya, you've surpassed expectations. Your dedication to the Brotherhood is unmatched. From this day forward, you are recognized as an Elder, and I have a special assignment for you."

Elder Midoriya, with a mixture of pride and humility, accepted the new responsibility.

Elder Maxson: "You're to be stationed at U.A. Japan, where you will continue your duties as both a Brotherhood Elder and a teacher. We've also prepared a special gift for you."

In a ceremonial presentation, Elder Maxson equipped Izuku with various suits of power armor, showcasing the Brotherhood's finest technology. Every weapon available in the Brotherhood's arsenal was made at Izuku's disposal, a symbol of trust and recognition for his exceptional service.

Elder Maxson: "And as a token of our appreciation, we present you with the Arwen. May it serve you well, Paladin Midoriya. Happy birthday, and congratulations on your new rank."

The Arwen, now under Elder Midoriya's command, was a majestic sight, soaring through the skies as a symbol of the Brotherhood's might. Izuku, overwhelmed with gratitude, knew that his journey had come full circle.

Elder Midoriya: "Thank you, Elder Maxson. I won't let you down."

As Elder Midoriya set off to U.A. Japan with the Arwen at his disposal, the Prydwen's engines roared, and the Brotherhood flag fluttered in the wind—a beacon of hope in a world still grappling with chaos. and so Paladin Izuku Midoriya, now Elder, continued to the heart of Japan, bridging two worlds and two responsibilities, as the Brotherhood's legacy lived on in his capable hands. he also gets his own crew cause like come on he cant pilot the Arwen all by himself so 

14 hours later izuku and the Arwen have arrived to japan

Elder Midoriya stood in the command center of the Arwen, the hum of the airship's engines echoing around him. In a decisive moment, he took hold of the intercom system, his voice projecting throughout the ship and beyond.

Elder Midoriya: "People of Japan Today marks a new chapter in the history of the Brotherhood of Steel. I stand not only as a representative of the Brotherhood but as a guardian for all. Our mission remains unchanged—to protect this world from the sickness that is the villains of this world

His words reached every corner of the country, resonating with the citizens and heroes alike. In U.A., teachers and students gathered in the common areas, attentive to the broadcast.

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