Bye Bye Summer

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Today started off very normally.

Summer was being a huge idiot, Olivia was being a sassy short queen, and I of course was crushing over a bunch of people that I have never talked too.

But then it all went down hill from there.

"Hey Abbie, do you and Summer want to go to the lake?" Olivia asked.

"Sure I'll go tell Summer." I said.

As I was walking up the stairs, I met Summer half way.

"Olivia asked if you would want to go to the lake." I said.

"Yes I'll go. I hope we don't drown." Summer said.

"Stop worrying, we won't drown, I promise." I said rolling my eyes.

Then Summer shrugged and walked back up the stairs to get her stuff.


"I'M COMING LINT LICKER!" She yelled back at me.

I rolled my eyes, and got the rest of the snacks ready.

We left for the lake around 4, and it took us like 15 minutes to get there.

Literally we told no one else that we were going anywhere, so technically we're runaways, well not really but still.

When we parked at the beach, all of us got out of the car, and sat down on the sand.

"I'm going in the ocean." Summer saluted then ran to the water in a weirdly way.

Olivia and I looked at eachother, and started dying laughing.

But that laugh was soon to be suppressed with cries of agony.

While Summer was in the lake, Olivia and I decided to get the snacks out of the car.

When we got to the car, we heard a muffled scream, and looked back towards the lake.

Summer was being kidnapped by a masked person.

"SUMMER!" I yelled running back to the beach.

When we got there the person that had Summer in his grasp, saw us and took the struggling Summer back to the lake, and held her head under the water.

"Omg!" I yelled running to the lake.

When I finally got into the lake it was too late, Summer had been drowned, and the person that did it was no where to be seen.

I dragged her body to the sand, and took a closer look at her body, one of her arms and one of her legs had been cut off in that short amount of time.

I started to cry, and Olivia rushed over.

"Oh my goodness." She said.

"I-I lied to her." I said.

"Wait how?" Olivia asked.

"I said that none of us would drown, and I promised her that." I said crying harder.

We decided to call the police, and they hot there in less than 10 minutes.

Once they arrived they took Summers body, and we went home to get rest.

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