Ride home

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The girls and I said bye to all of the band kids and headed back to my mom and dad's house for one last supper with them before we leave.

"I can't believe it's been a whole year already." I said.

"Yeah me either. It feels like we just got here yesterday." Olivia said.

We arrived back, and went inside.

"Girls pack your bags, and then come eat dinner." Mom said.

"Okay." We said in unison.

After we had our dinner we got in bed, and slept till morning.

"Trinity, Sarah. Wake up." I said to them then walked out.

"Olivia it's time to go." I said shaking her.

When they were up we grabbed our stuff and left.

For breakfast we stopped by McDonald's, to see another one of Trinitys relatives.

Ronald McDonald obviously.

After that we drove the rest of the way back to Oklahoma.

Once we arrived back. Trinity and Sarah both got into their cars and left.

Olivia and I crashed on the couch, but before I could go to sleep. I heard something in the backyard.

"Olivia come quick! I think there's someone in the backyard!" I yelled.

She tumbled off the couch.

"Ugh, good grief. Go check then." She said angrily, then stood up from the floor.

I slowly opened and what I saw shocked me.

Darry, Dallas, Trinity, and Sarah were all outside sitting around a fire.

"Welcome back!" Darry and Dallas said.

Olivia and I walked outside and sat down with them.

We stayed outside for the rest of the night and talked about our time in Tennessee, but I couldn't help but let my wander back to Christian.

Abbie Verse Where stories live. Discover now