forevermore and beyond

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"Bullshit! I told you to hear me-"


"Aw, that hurts!" Wooyoung chastised as he rubbed the back of his head, shooting Hongjoong a look but then lowering his head when the General glared at him.

"Not that language in my roof." Hongjoong narrows his eyes and then casts his gaze towards Jongho, "You too. Apologize to each other, now."

"For your information, this is my meeting room's roof you're speaking of-"

"Sorry, what?" Hongjoong shoots back. "For your information, I don't remember you putting your meeting room to use unless you and Wooyoung turn it into a playground." Hongjoong shot back, his voice laced with icy precision. "Consider this your notice unless you learn some manners, and fast."

Meanwhile, Jongho seized the opportunity to defend himself. "Hey, I wouldn't have said anything if Wooyoung hadn't started it first,"

Wooyoung, not one to back down, fired back, "You just had the ability to walk and your pride was also walking around? You were the one who-"

But before either of them could finish their accusation, another resounding smack echoed through the room, silencing them both.

With a glare from Hongjoong, both Wooyoung and Jongho reluctantly muttered their apologies, their voices barely audible over the tension-filled air.

"Sorry for calling you bullshit," Wooyoung mumbled, his tone subdued.

Jongho followed suit, his apology equally begrudging. "Yeah, sorry for calling you an orphan." He muttered, his gaze fixed on the ground.

But Hongjoong's expression remained unimpressed. With a deadpan delivery, he begins, "Not sincere enough. Now try using those brains you both have before speaking next time. Might save you from another smack... or two."

"Enough." Mingi's deep voice boomed. "Bantering won't lead us any closer to solving the chaos here."

Hongjoong's determination shines through as he quickly regains his composure, making his way to the desk and sitting down.

"As I was saying," He begins as he crosses his legs, his voice is steady before he falters. "Wait, where did I stop earlier again?"

"The death of that obnoxious prince, petite general." Luna retorts for him with a cheeky smile.

Hongjoong couldn't help but crack a scoff despite his irritation. "Careful you dragon head," He cautioned. "Jokes about being petite have a funny way of coming back to you."

Hongjoong continues to ignore them as he begins and face the other General who is seriously sitting at the head of the table. "The Crown Prince's death occurred as if it a mere gust of wing through the palace. No traces left behind, no evidences to follow It's as if they were never here. And what I'm implying is." He pauses and the figures before him could only raise their brows, urging him to continue.

"What if the mastermind behind Crown Prince Sion was also the same killer that attempted to assassinate Jangmi?"

Hongjoong's suggestion left everyone
speechless as they considered the implications. The idea that the same person might be behind both Sion's death and the attempt on Jangmi's life sent a chill through the room. Mingi furrowed his brow in deep thought, while the rest's expression hardened with resolve.

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