wrath of thorns

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Fight, Jangmi, fight.

Were the words that had been echoing within her mind.

She could feel her vulnerability emit throughout the parts of her body, but she was determined to fight with all her remaining strength.

The poison within her was making her deliberately weaker in every passing moment, but that did not once fade away her determination to fight for what is yet to come.

Just this once, she'll give her everything.

Just this once, maybe it will be all worth it in the end.

In the tranquil oasis of the back palace, Jangmi sat in the middle of the white field of roses, her white dress mixing with the hues of the garden.

With her eyes closed and a serene smile gracing her lips, she savoured the gentle caress of the sunlight upon her skin, the soft rustle of leaves seemingly dancing with her fluttering hair.

It was hard for anyone searching for the pianist to find her in an instant, especially fact she was tucked in the back palace where no remaining troops were around nor even maids; She was just all by herself.

And the five masked assassins who emerged from the shadows.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

She grins as she says those words, fluttering her lashes open as she gazes at the haven above, almost like she is admiring the scenery and not waiting for the danger to come at her.

However, Jangmi's words were met with a chilling response from one of them.

"Indeed, a beautiful day for us to take you."

At that moment, Jangmi casts her gaze towards them and widens her eyes in terror. Her shoulders shook as she looked at the faces of masked assassins who surrounded her in a circle.

"And who are you?" She said as she looked around her with large, scared eyes. "Are you here to kill me?"

Her eyes glistened like a pair of polished stones and she hastily looked around, as if to search for guards.

"They won't be coming to your rescue." Another female assassin told her. "All your stupid guards and husband are all preoccupied with the ambush in town."

"Why must you drag the innocent people into this?!" Jangmi grits her teeth, yet her display of anger never once made the assassins tremble before her. Instead, they sneered at her.

"Do not be scared, My Lady" A young man stepped forward. "If we didn't put the town on fire, it would be almost impossible to get to you."

"Not to the extent of hurting innocent people!" Jangmi pleaded as she began to stand up and wanted to run, but being surrounded, she had nowhere to go. "I've done nothing to you. Why must you do this?"

"Don't blame yourself, lass," The elder man spoke up. "It's just the way of life. The weak die and the strong will live."

"Don't touch me!" Jangmi shouted as an assassin tried to grab her, but she slipped on her dress and fell backward. Like a prey trying to run away from her predator, she crawled backward as an assassin slowly walked towards her.

"There's nowhere to go." She reminded
Jangmi sinisterly. "Be a good girl and stay still."

"So you can kill me?" Jangmi questioned.

"No, darling." The elder man retorted. "So our mistress can take you."

"Leave," Jangmi pleaded as she looked
around desperately. "Leave now and save yourself from regret."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now