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As Jangmi gazed upon the frame and back to the painting, her breath caught in her throat. The image before her was like a scene like a distant memory, one that she had thought was already forgotten.

Time seemed to slow as she was drawn into the captivating world depicted on the canvas. The woman portrayed, draped in flowing white, appeared almost ethereal amidst the sea of white roses around her. Each delicate petal seemed to dance in harmony with the gentle breeze through the scene.

But it was the sky above that truly mesmerized Jangmi. The moon, with its serene glow, cast an enchanting light upon the surface below. Its pearly craters dotted the celestial sphere like a map of forgotten dreams, and that woman...

That woman in the painting was none other else than her.

A wave of realization crashed over the pianist, and horror gripped her heart as the puzzles seemed to have finally pieced each other. This masterpiece before her was the same as the one she had seen in her past as Kim Jangmi. Back in the modern world, the contemporary life.

The engagement, the setting, every intricate detail - it was all mirrored in this very painting right now.

Her mind reeled as she struggled to comprehend the discovery. How was it possible? How could the painting that she had seen in the future, be right here, and in this moment?

Jangmi felt as though the lines between past and present had blurred, and she was caught in the midst of it all.

The realization sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Now that it dawned on her mind, she couldn't tear her gaze away from the painting, its haunting beauty now tinged with a sense of foreboding.

But the more she looked at it, the more her mind was getting perplexed until she cried out in agony, collapsing to the ground while clutching her head as pain seared through her skull.

In that moment of torment, her mind was thrust into a whirlwind of visions. Images flashed before her, memories from a lifetime long past. The same dreams that had haunted her as Kim Jangmi back then, the same blurry faces and hazy voices that had plagued her nights -they all flooded back.

And then, amidst the chaos of her mind, a figure began to take shape. The man she had seen in her dreams, the one who had introduced himself as the hell prince. His features became clearer, his voice echoing in her ears. And to her astonishment, as the figure begins to take shape, the face that stared back at her can only leave her breathless.

It was none other than Park Seonghwa.

The same hell prince who visited her in her dreams every night, back then in the modern times.

Shock coursed through her veins as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. The visions, the dreams, the mysterious man - they had all been Seonghwa all along. The realization hit her like a thunderbolt, leaving her struck and reeling.

As she lay on the floor of the greenhouse, another revelation came into place when her eyes darted towards the piano.

Seonghwa's piano piece, the haunting melody that had echoed in her mind's ear countless times after she listened to it, resonated once again within her mind. But this time, there was a newfound clarity, a sudden realization that left her bewildered.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now