Prologue: Before Dawn

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I lay curled up in the cold, damp dirt as I grieve over all that I had lost. It's all my fault-all my fucking fault. My friends, my family, everything is gone now. And Hannah-poor, poor Hannah... If it wasn't for me being so God damn irresponsible, she wouldn't be a cannibalistic fucking monster right now. Both her and Beth would be at home, watching a movie with me and the rest of the gang. And I hate myself over that they aren't and never will again-just like how I hate myself for what I did tonight. I thought they would love it...

I thought that I was bringing us all together again...

If I had known what was here, I would never have invited them back. I don't even know how I never noticed those freaks crawling around the mountain or how even survived them when I was setting up my props and sets. Maybe I just thought they were just hallucinations too? I don't know... I should be thankful I survived them for so long, but I'm definitely not and never will be.

If they had just taken me out before all of this, than no lives would have been hurt tonight. Everybody would be safe from me.

Either way, I've lost everyone and there is nothing I can do about it. I hurt them so badly and Jess-Oh God, Jess... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to get you killed... That was all my fault... I just wanted to scare you, that's all... Not this...

Not this...

Mike, I'm so sorry... If I had known what would happen to Jess, I wouldn't have done this... I'm not mad that you abandoned me here - I deserve it... I deserve to die suffering...

Matt, you didn't deserve any of this either. I know we weren't the closest, but I'm still so sorry... I hope you are ok... Wherever you are...

Emily... The last time I heard you, you were screaming... I don't know what happened to you after that... I hope you're ok too...

Sam - fuck, I'm so sorry... I tortured you and violated you so badly - I shouldn't have done that. You were one of my best friends-one of the only people who truly cared... I'll never forgive myself for ruining our friendship... I should have cherished it instead of destroy it...

I'm sorry, Ashley... I guess I was only still bitter over what happened last year and jealous... I've really needed Chris lately and you've taken him away from me... Even though it hurts, I want him to be happy-I want him to be with the one he loves... That was my main intention with you two tonight...

Chris... Oh, Christopher... I'm the most sorry to you... You didn't deserve all of this... I can't blame you for ditching me for a girl... You deserve love just like everyone else, and that's why I wanted to set you and Ash up tonight-to show you that I do feel that way. I'm happy for you-I'm not mad that you've abandoned me this last year. I forgive you and I'm so fucking sorry this all happened.

Now I'm going to endure the fate I deserve. Your lives will be much better without me anyway. I'll just lay here, waiting for death to wrap its cold hands around me and pull me towards my fate. This is the end, and I'm going to accept it...

I whisper my apologies to thin air, knowing that they will never be heard or forgiven. It only barely eases the pain I feel and gives me very little closure to help me feel any better. Closing my eyes, the remaining memories of my friends eat at my mind, only reminding me how badly I messed up tonight.

Though I am expecting the worse, I jump when I hear a grueling screech in the distance. Is that Hannah? I am unsure. My whole body begins to tremble and the little hairs on my arms begin to raise as I hear it getting closer, along with the voices of my sister's and friends taunting me-telling me I deserve to die and suffer in hell for what I've done. But they don't have to tell me that because I already know I do...

I bring my knees close to my chest and embrace them tightly, praying for death to come soon so the voices will stop. They echo off the stone walls and dig into my mind like parasites before eating away at it like maggots. Somehow, I feel like death will be the only escape. But will death ever come? Do I really deserve to rest? Maybe I'll end up suffering down here forever? Maybe that truly is my hell-my fate?

As all these questions circle within my mind, the screeches only grow louder as my stomach begins to twist around due to starvation again. Tears prick the corners of my eyes once again due to the pain growing so unbearable. I can't even remember when I had last eaten and my insides feel like they are trying to consume themselves.

This truly is hell...

The voices now circulate all around me and I cover my face as I cry into my hands, wanting to scream out in agony until I finally do. But no matter how loudly I scream, the voices still linger. Now I realize that they are not just around me but inside my head too. Something is severely wrong with me...

"You're selfish!"

"You're worthless!"

"You deserve to suffer!"

They all mock me and laugh at me as if I'm the most pathetic thing they have ever laid eyes on, and I know that I am. Their words sting like venom and are as destructive as hydrochloric acid, tearing me down to the nerves and chewing on them to make me ache. I can't take anymore...

Please, let this end...

"Shut up!" I cry out as my hands move to cup over my ears, trying desperately to muffle the voices that abuse me so aggressively. "L-Leave me alone! You're dead!"

My sisters' voices fade and for a split second, my body slightly relaxes despite the pain of hunger I feel. That is until I hear a dreadfully familiar voice echoing within the walls of my mind.

It's him...

"Poor Josh..." He chuckles darkly in that deep, scratchy voice that I've grown to despise so much. "Aren't you happy? We finally got our revenge!"

"No..." I whimper as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think of my last good memory to block him out. But it doesn't work because all my memories have now faded... All I see is darkness...

"Though I feel as if they haven't quite learned their lesson yet..."


"Come on, Josh! Let's get out of here! Let's get even more revenge on those fuckers!"

"No!" I scream out in a sudden burst of rage-now terrified that he will take over again and make me do unspeakable things like before. I'm not going to stand for it-I'm not going to let him bully me into harming anyone else. "No, I won't! I don't take orders from you! You can't tell me what to do anymore!"

Due to dehydration, my throat grows even more sore as I scream but I don't care anymore. I am numb to the pain I feel and I want this to end once and for all. But just as his sickening voice finally shuts up and gives me some peace, it is replaced by another one-another dark and strange one that I have never heard before.

"I know something that can make you stronger..."



As I regain consciousness, I gasp loudly as my eyes shoot open. Delirious and drenched in sweat, I lay in my spot and struggle to regulate my breathing while the contents of my dream lingers on my mind...

It's never going to fucking end...


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