Chapter 3: 10 Hours Until Dawn

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8:15 PM
Location: Blackwood Pines
10 More Hours Until Dawn


I arrive at the mountains around 8:15. I never respected to return to Canada, nor Blackwood Pines either. But one thing last year had taught me was that anything-and I mean anything is possible.

The year had been pretty tough on me. I haven't seen anyone since that day, and I'm glad about that. I'm looking for new beginnings, not to be stuck in the past... But yet... I'm here?

I don't know why I choose to acknowledge the message. When I first seen it, I just scoffed at it and put my phone back in my bag. But something in the back of my mind kept eating away at me, telling me that I needed to see what was up here. I'm a tough bitch, I can handle anything life throws at my way so I'm sure whatever is waiting for me here, I can manage it.

Standing impatiently by the old wooden gate, which keeps this old dirthole sealed away from the world, I wait for my boyfriend-Steve-as he struggles to carry my bags.

"Oh, my God! It's two bags! How hard is it to carry two bags, Steve?!" I complain while open while opening the gate for him. I'm a bitch, but I do have manners.

"Well, you did pack an awful lot for just a short trip." He sighs but quickly takes back his words when I give him the look. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You're right: it is good to be prepared."

"Exactly," I smile as I approach the broad man and reach a hand up to brush some of his dirty blonde hair from his blue eyes. "I appreciate you coming up here with me. It's hard being back. I almost decided not to but... You know... I was curious..."

"I know," he smiles down at me fondly and leans forward to plant a soft kiss to my lips. "I'll follow you wherever you go, baby."

As you can imagine, a lot has changed with me in this last year. I decided to stop being so work-driven and take some me time to fix myself. I booked a week at a spa resort and that's when I met Steve. He worked as a masseuse-a damn good one, might I add.

It was like love at first sight; his sharp blue eyes, wavy blonde hair, and well toned body sucked me in instantly. But there was something about how loving and down-to-earth he was that caught my heart as well. I think I need that for a change. And I've learn after... Matt... That I need to appreciate what I have while I have it. After me and Steve part from our little moment, we begin walking up the path to find the cable car station. But instead, we find something else that makes my stomach instantly turn.

"Emily? What the- what are you doing here?" The unforgettable voice of Mike Munroe asks as his face dropped with a dumbfounded expression.

Much about Mike's appearance hadn't changed much, other than the little brunette bitch attached at his hip. She gazes up at him like he is some sort of God, like most girls do when in his presence. But not me. I know my worth. I narrow my eyes at the girl before letting them wander back to Mike.

"I got a message saying that someone was up here. Why are you up here? Getting some more use out of Josh's cabin?" I scoff as I gesture to the girl.

She gets a puzzled expression on her face as she looks up at Mike with a rasied brow. I can feel the proud smirk raising the corners of my lips as I fold my arms over my chest. With every word I say, I can feel my ego grow. Is that so bad?

Mike merely shakes his head as he looks at me with enraged eyes. The anger boiling the blood in his veins is quite evident but it does little to shake me. Though I had always known Mike to be a laid back type of guy. He would almost always retaliate instead of provoke. So this behavior does surprise me. I guess what happened last year screwed up Mike enough to bring out his temper more.

"I got that message too, and don't you fucking go there-" he threatens me and I just laugh.

"So tell me, Mike-how's Jess? Haven't seen you going to looney bin to visit her much these days." I remark smugly.

He let's go of his little thing to take an aggressive step towards me, which Steve responds by stepping inmfront of me in a protective manner. Mike backs down, in shock by Steve's actions and takes a deep breath to calm down. But I can still see the anger clear in his eyes and hear it in his tone when he speaks as well.

"You know what happened-" he answers bitterly, but then chooses to change the subject right after. It's just like him to try and run away from conflict. "So aren't you going to introduce me to your... Friend?"

He gestures to Steve and I chuckle amusingly. "This is Steve, my boyfriend." I announce as I place my hand on Steve's broad chest lovingly. He smiles down at me before looking back up to Mike to mutter a cold, "Hello".

Mike seems agitated by the announcement of my new lover. Even whenever he would move on from our so-called "relationship", he always acted as if it was wrong for me to do the same. So this didn't surprise me one bit, but only worked to agitate me more. He quickly covers his feelings up by placing it around the girl's shoulders.

"This is Jennie, my new girlfriend." He says in a way that seems as if he is challenging me. He should know better than to challenge me at any game. Because everyone knows that Emily always wins.

"Hello," I greet the girl coldly but pay no more attention to her out of spite. But even if I did pay more attention to her-even if I did want to know more about her, and how her and Mike met-I wouldn't have the time because two more unexpected voices broke into the short moment of silence from behind us.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?"


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