3rd person pov

After the events of the previous day, Sakura was at the supermarket buying some stuff that was needed at her house, she hid the wounds that her husband had caused her with a mask n sunglasses.

With little encouragement, the Japanese woman went to the cash to pay for the things she would bring n finally left for home to prepare something delicious for the dinner, so her husband won't be mad with her anymore n avoid shouting n beatings for not doing her job. She had taken advantage of her time out n buy the ingredients to prepare her husband favorite dinner so he wouldn't be angry with her for failed him and not being able to give him children.

Her way to her home was peacefully, she was walking around a park near her home until someone crashed with her n both fall apart, all the things, stuff n vegetables that she buy for her husband's dinner.

Oh god, sorry, I'm so sorry- the person who was apologizing for fall onto her was trying to pack all the things again n help Sakura to get up from the ground

It's ok- Sakura give it less importance n saw the vegetables for the dinner on the floor

It isn't, ur vegetables r on the floor, my fault- the weird girl in sport clothes replied, looking the mess at the floor

I know, n rlly don't worry, accidents happens- Sakura replied turning back to the market so she can buy more vegetables.

Pls lemme buy new things for u- the other insist following Sakura

If u insist, why not?- Sakura replied emotionless, she was tired n her body hurts, she isn't in the mood to argue with the stranger n told to her she wasn't mad bout the accident.

Both r walking around the market looking for the stuff the Japanese need, Sakura took vegetables n more things she need, she need noodles but she isn't tall, she's smaller at all

Lemme help u with this- the taller said smiling, Sakura made a small bow to thanx the eldest, not wanting to speak.

The eldest understood it, bcos she believed that she was angry with her for what happened.

Yunjin, Huh Yunjin- the girl in sports clothes introduced herself

I'm sorry for what happened- Yunjin said with her head low

Sakura just nodded again

What's ur name?- Yunjin asked when she saw the youngest girl so desinterested

I'm Sakura- the quiet girl answered

Yunjin only nodded at such sharp response

Do u have last name?- She insisted followed her through the food aisles

The youngest nodded...again

Well, n which one is it?

Miyawaki- She responded sharply again, no wonder, she was still sad bout the fight with her husband

I'm rlly sorry for what happened, I'm new here n I didn't want to hurt u or throw u...- the eldest was interrupted

I already said it's fine- Sakura said while she was on her way to the cash register to pay for her stuff

Sakura's attitude only made Yunjin feel more guilty

Cash or card?- asked the cashier

Cash- said Sakura

Card- Yunjin interrupted

"I told u I would pay," Yunjin reminded her.
When the cashier finished collecting, Sakura left the supermarket without saying anything else. She didn't feel like doing anything n her heart n body hurt. The abuse had left her like this n she couldn't do anything anymore.

"Let me help u with that." Yunjin took the grocery bags from Sakura's arms.

For the youngest, that girl with a strange accent was somewhat irritating, however she had no desire to argue until the other party left. So she just continued on her way with Yunjin behind her carrying her purchases.

Upon arriving home, Sakura opened the door n went to the kitchen, so the foreigner followed her n left the purchases on the table.

Yunjin wanted to apologize again but knew that would only make Sakura more angry, who ignored her while she prepared some ingredients.

Uhm, I think I should go- Yunjin broke the silence

And Sakura just nodded as she continued making lunch.

The resigned opponent left the house a little sad n bout how she was treated, in part she knew that maybe it was bcos of the vegetables n the incident, but she tried to solve it. She knew it was her fault but she didn't expect such cold treatment n that she wouldn't speak to her. She had just moved from USA n she didn't want problems with her neighbors at the end of it, but it seems like the chaos was chasing her

When she arrived home, the american woman continued thinking bout what happened n the attitude of the minor, which was very rude from her pov

Why did she treat me like that? I understand her anger but I bought her everything again n she didn't even thanks to me, she's a bitter piece- Yunjin though while was searching chipotle for her salad

For her part Sakura since the older girl left the house she took off her mask n her sunglasses bcos there was no longer anyone to hide her injuries from, so feeling a little safer she continued cooking food for her husband ignoring the guilt of having she treat the girl so badly

Minutes later another door slammed from the entrance n she knew who was the only cause

Sakura was too afraid, she pray all the gods that that day her husband have mercy on her. With trembling hands she placed a bowl of noodles on the table which she has prepared for her husband. She hoped that after that Kai wouldn't be angry anymore or that he would just be less violent towards her

The older tried the noodles under the watchful eye of his wife n violently threw the chopsticks on the plate

What the hell is this?- He asked shouting
Ur favorite noodle's, darling- replied Sakura with her head down

What the fuck don't u understand that noodles r cut? Before u serve them to me, u should do that- Kai said throwing the plate on the floor causing a mess n went to his room

Sakura began to cry silently as she picked up the glass from the floor

I'm sorry- Sakura whispered even though her husband was no longer there n slowly her eyes filled with tears

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