Chapter 22 - Altered Paths

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Fury coursed through my veins like a tempest, driving me forward with a singular purpose. Damian had taken what was mine – the candelabra, the source of my power, and my precious spellbook. The betrayal cut deep, igniting a fire within me that could not be quenched.

With my black angel wings unfurled, I soared above the moving train, a dark figure against the twilight sky. The wind howled around me, echoing my rage as I scanned each carriage, searching for Damian. He was fleeing to another city, seeking to uncover secrets from our family's past with the candelabra. But I would not let him escape so easily.

I leapt into the air, allowing the train to pass beneath me before landing again with a thud on the roof. My eyes, burning with a fierce green light, were enhanced with a special spell that allowed me to see through the carriage ceilings. I peered down, searching intently for any sign of Damian.

There he was – sitting inside, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon him. I quickly prepared a new spell, one that would allow me to slip through the solid roof and confront him directly. Muttering the incantation, I felt the fabric of reality warp around me, and in a blink, I passed through the roof, landing gracefully on the carriage floor.

My wings spread wide upon landing, an imposing sight that drew gasps from the other passengers. I stood up, my gaze fixed on Damian, who looked back at me with a defiance that matched my own anger.

Without a word, I extended my arms, channeling my fury into a spell directed at the carriage windows. The glass trembled, then gathered into a swirling orb before shattering into a thousand shards. With a flick of my wrist, I directed the shards towards Damian, a deadly storm of glass propelled by my wrath.

Damian reacted quickly, conjuring a protective barrier, but the ferocity of my attack was relentless. Glass clinked harmlessly off his shield, falling like rain around us. Our eyes locked in a battle of wills, anger meeting anger, power clashing with power.

The air in the carriage crackled with magical energy, a tangible manifestation of our confrontation. I was a tempest, a force of nature unleashed, and Damian, though standing his ground, was now facing the full extent of my fury.

"This ends now, Damian," I hissed, my voice low and dangerous. "You've taken what's mine, and for that, you will pay."

The tension between us was like a live wire, sparking and hissing in the confined space of the carriage. This was more than just a battle over a stolen item; it was a clash of blood, of legacy, of betrayal. And I, Braids, with my wings of darkness and eyes aflame, was ready to reclaim what was rightfully mine.

As I stood there, wings outstretched and fury in my eyes, ready to unleash further spells upon Damian, he did something unexpected. With a calm, almost calculated tone, he uttered a name – my full name, one I had kept hidden from the world. "Adella Niamh Kaitlin-Hayes."

The effect was immediate and devastating. The power coursing through me, fueling my spells and my wrath, dissipated like mist under the sun. I felt my magical defenses crumbling, each spell I had cast unraveling. My wings, once a symbol of strength and freedom, now felt heavy and useless. I stood there, feeling utterly vulnerable and exposed, the shock of betrayal etching itself onto my face.

Damian continued, his voice laced with a cold authority. "Now, you might as well just sit down and behave until the next stop on this train. Then you leave, or I call the authorities for your sneaking on without a ticket. They are also ready to strike in case you want to harass me further. Now, please, leave me in peace with what is rightfully mine. I am sorry it had to come to this, but I knew you had my grandmother's spells from the beginning."

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