nine - talking mushrooms

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(A/N: I didn't mean to abandon you guys! I promise I am going to keep working on this. I just started reading the Throne of Glass series, and I had a deadline to read the first two books- so that kept me busy. Plus chasing my toddler around all day every day wears me out. I'm aware that Halsin isn't available as a party member until toward the end of Act II, but for the sake of this story he be adventuring with us.)

"It's absolutely beautiful down here," Astarion said, his voice barely above a whisper. I nodded in silence.

We had Shadowheart and Halsin with us. Shadowheart was watching the myconids walking by with disdain, and Halsin watched with curiosity. Our other companions were lagging behind, enjoying the scenery and avoiding the fighting. Not by their choice; it was easier to travel in smaller groups.

"It truly is a wonder," Halsin murmured. I shook my head and pulled myself out of my stupor. Glowing mushroom people could be ogled at another point in time. We had priorities.

"Well, if this Spaw wants to see us, I suppose we should make our way to him," I said with my hands on my hips. Astarion gently grasped my arm.

"We should remain wary," he said when he caught my gaze. I nodded and pulled my arm from him, making my way around the giant mushrooms.

I didn't have to wonder where this Spaw might be for long, as there was the most beautiful glowing mushroom person I had ever seen- which honestly weren't many considering this was my first time in the underdark- standing atop the giant mushrooms. Its long, spindly fingers were caressing the corpse it leaned over at its feet. There was a low humming, and then the corpse at its feet burst into life- sprouting mushrooms of its own. The corpse then got up and began to walk off, past us- completely ignoring us.

"What did you just do to that corpse?" I blurted.

"I gave it new life," Spaw spoke, though its mouth did not move. I heard its voice in my head- just like the first myconids we had run into. "State your purpose here."

"We just need passage through," I said, wringing my hands together. "And maybe to restock camp supplies, if you have any for sale."

Spaw leaned back, stretching upward again. It was very tall. It seemed to consider this. I took the time to look around, seeing there were more corpses- some deep gnome, others duergar.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"Come," Spaw said, raising its arms. "See."

A vision filled my head- a battle on a darkened beach front. Duergar invading, killing; conquering for their own. The vision faded, and the song I heard from the myconids was somber. They were still grieving their losses.

"Help us cleanse this rot," Spaw said. "You are safe to come and go as you please here. But help us with the duergar, and we shall reward you."

I turned to my party members. I raised my eyebrows at them in silent question.

"Why not?" Astarion said with a shrug. "I like killing things."

Halsin placed his fist over his chest and said, "I would like to help them restore the balance here."

Shadowheart sighed and rolled her eyes. "I suppose we could, but I'd rather not linger here any longer than we need to."

"We'll do it," I said, spinning back around to face Spaw. It gave a gracious bow, and then returned its attention to the corpses around it.

As we walked off, Astarion leaned over to me and muttered under his breath, "That thing scares me, in all honesty. I've seen my fair share of bizarre things, but never a myconid before."

"Be nice," I whispered back. "We're going to help it. And besides, just like you said: you like killing things. We should be careful; sneak in and find out how many are there before we do anything, though."

"Right you are," Astarion said with his roguish grin. "Sneaking won't be a problem for me."

We continued on, but before we could even begin to locate where this beach was, hook horrors were upon us.

"What the hell are these things?" Shadowheart yelled, launching one of her guiding bolts at the hook horror closest to us. It glanced off the creature's shoulder, instead striking the stone behind it. Miss.

"I've only read about them in books," I called back to her.

I ran up to the cliff edge we were near, using a thunder wave. Two of the hook horrors screeched, flying backward. The creature already below screeched at us, flying over and landing on Halsin. Luckily Halsin managed to steady himself, so he wasn't knocked prone, but the creature still managed to sink its horrible beak into the flesh of his thigh. Halsin let out a yelp of pain before transforming into his bear form, slashing at the creature with his own claws and teeth.

Astarion came up and stabbed the creature with his daggers, and it collapsed with one last screech of agony. The other two hook horrors were upon us again. I got knocked down, and Shadowheart managed to dodge out of the way. The swipes of claws over my flesh had me howling in pain.

"Onasha!" Astarion yelled out.

Shadowheart used a spell of inflict wounds, obliterating one of the two remaining hook horrors. I stood back up and used a shocking grasp on the one left standing, fleeing over to Astarion's side right as Halsin came charging through. He tore into the hook horror, roaring fiercely. Astarion rushed over as well, landing all three attacks with his daggers. The hook horror fell to the ground with an anguished cry as I watched the life leave its eyes.

I panted heavily, and Astarion made his way back over to me as Halsin dropped his bear form. Halsin hissed as he bandaged up his thigh.

"Are you alright, darling?" Astarion asked, looking me over. I was bleeding, in pain, but otherwise going to make it.

"We should rest up a bit," I said shakily. Astarion nodded his head.

"Gods know what else is down here," he muttered, beginning to help me bandage my wounds. Shadowheart butted him out of the way.

"I'm a cleric, I have more medical knowledge than you," she said. "Let me help her." Astarion scoffed, but allowed Shadowheart to take over. She cast me a grin at how Astarion was fussing over me, one that he couldn't see. I rolled my eyes and looked away, over the cliff and below.

What else was lurking in these shadows? I shivered to think. I chewed on my lower lip a bit, and pulled out a loaf of bread to share amongst us. Well- amongst Halsin, Shadowheart, and myself. Astarion could have a- bite to eat later.

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