sixteen - last light inn

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Everything from that point on was a blur; things were happening at a dizzying pace. We managed to help save the rest of the harpers, and they told us about a safe haven: Last Light Inn. But once we had made our way there, we'd ended up in vines at the hands of Jaheira. THE Jaheira. Karlach would not be quiet about how excited she was to meet Jaheira. I had to admit: I was a little excited, too.

Jaheira ended up learning about our little stowaways, and then after we clarified that we were not under the influence of the Absolute, she invited us to help her take down her old enemy: Ketheric Thorm. Once inside the inn, she told us we needed to discover the source of Ketheric's immortality, as he was seemingly invincible at the moment. There was just one issue: traversing these lands was a bit deadly.

She informed us that there was a cleric staying at the inn, so we'd made our way upstairs. Shadowheart sneered when the cleric blessed us; she worshipped Selune. And then a winged man burst in through the balcony.

The fight that ensued almost cost a lot of lives, for if the man had made off with Isobel, the protection she provided the inn would be no more. But we made it out. After which we were invited to stay the night at the inn, to rest up before continuing on our way. Battered and exhausted, we all agreed.

We were sat around the hearth on the main floor, picking at our plates and sipping on ale that had an off taste to it. Everyone was quiet, contemplating the events of the day. I caught Astarion watching me on and off. He moved to sit near me at one point, checking me over for any wounds that might need attention.

"Your fussing is distracting her from eating," Shadowheart said, an eyebrow raised, as she brought a fork of meat to her lips.

Astarion shot her a look and bared his fangs at her. Karlach, who sat near us, smacked him over the back of the head. He yelped and held his head, shooting a glare at Karlach.

"Keep your teeth to yourself," Karlach said with narrowed eyes.

"Please don't fight," I said with a sigh.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Astarion muttered, turning his glare to the floor. "This- these plagued lands have me on edge."

"All will be fine," Gale was the one to speak next. "We'll figure it all out. We'll handle Ketheric, get these tadpoles sorted, and then be on our merry way."

"You make it sound so easy," Shadowheart said.

"Yes, well," Gale said, shrugging. "I like to remain optimistic in the face of adversity." Shadowheart rolled her eyes, and Karlach straightened.

"Hells, yeah!" Karlach yelled. "That's the spirit!"

While Gale, Shadowheart, and Karlach continued to converse amongst themselves, Astarion turned to me once more. His brows were knitted together, and he lifted a hand to my cheek.

"Are you alright, darling?" he asked quietly. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

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