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Aunt Lina and uncle Seungmin. Hope, I met your expectations.

In the heart of Seoul, where the city's pulse never ceased, two paths converged on a bustling street corner

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In the heart of Seoul, where the city's pulse never ceased, two paths converged on a bustling street corner.

Seungmin, with his headphones in and a notebook tucked under his arm, navigated the crowds with a practiced ease.

His mind was elsewhere, lost in the melodies of the music that filled his ears and the thoughts that danced across the pages of his notebook.

Meanwhile, Lina, a young artist with a sketchbook in hand, weaved her way through the throngs of people, her eyes alight with curiosity.

Her gaze wandered over the cityscape, capturing the moments and details that inspired her art. Today, her canvas was the vibrant tapestry of Seoul itself.

As fate would have it, their paths collided in a moment of serendipity.

Seungmin, engrossed in his thoughts, accidentally bumped into Lina, causing her to stumble slightly.

Startled, she looked up, meeting his apologetic gaze.

"I'm so sorry."

He said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"It's okay."

She replied with a smile, brushing off the mishap.

Her eyes lingered on his for a moment longer than necessary, and in that fleeting exchange, something sparked between them.

Seungmin, usually reserved in nature, felt a warmth spread through him as he looked at this girl who seemed to carry the colors of the world in her eyes.

Lina, captivated by his gentle demeanor and the way he carried himself, found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain.

In that crowded street corner, amidst the chaos of the city, they found a moment of stillness, a pause in the hurried pace of life.

As they exchanged a few more words, the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble of serendipity.

And as they parted ways, each with a lingering thought of the other, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to meet on that bustling street corner in the heart of Seoul.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, yet the memory of that serendipitous encounter lingered in both Seungmin and Lina's minds.

They often found themselves thinking back to that moment, wondering if it was just a chance meeting or something more.

For Seungmin, it was the way Lina's eyes had lit up when she smiled, as if the whole world brightened around her.

He found himself seeking out glimpses of her in the crowds, his heart skipping a beat whenever he caught sight of her familiar figure.

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