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Requested By: ForeverSimping 🍄

A oneshot based on Mitski's "I beg on losing dogs" - Tell your baby I am your baby.

The sound of the crowd was deafening as Minho stood backstage, his heart pounding in rhythm with the heavy bass shaking the stadium

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The sound of the crowd was deafening as Minho stood backstage, his heart pounding in rhythm with the heavy bass shaking the stadium.

The roar of thousands of fans, each one screaming his name, only amplified the emptiness he felt inside.

His stage persona, the confident and untouchable idol, was a facade he had perfected over the years.

But tonight, the weight of that mask felt heavier than ever.

Seungmin sat quietly in the dressing room, surrounded by stacks of books and a cup of tea growing cold on the table beside him.

While the rest of the group thrived on the chaos and excitement of their idol life, Seungmin found peace in his own little world of literature.

He flipped through the pages of his latest read, but his mind kept wandering back to Minho.

They had been friends for years, but lately, their dynamic had shifted in ways Seungmin couldn't fully comprehend.

The lights dimmed as the final performance ended, and Minho made his way off stage, his adrenaline slowly fading.

He spotted Seungmin in the corner of the room, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the other boy's calm demeanor.

It was moments like these, away from the cameras and the screaming fans, that Minho cherished the most.


Minho said softly, his voice barely audible over the distant hum of the crowd. Seungmin looked up, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Hey, how was the show?"

Minho shrugged, dropping into the seat beside Seungmin.

"Same as always. Exhausting."

Seungmin nodded, closing his book and giving Minho his full attention.

"You seemed a bit off tonight. Is everything okay?"

Minho ran a hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't know, Seungmin. It's like... I'm losing myself out there. I don't even recognize who I am anymore."

Seungmin's heart ached at the vulnerability in Minho's voice. He reached out, placing a gentle hand on Minho's arm.

"You know you can always talk to me, right? I'm here for you."

Minho looked up, his eyes meeting Seungmin's. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away.

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