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" We are having a guys day before we go to rehearsals so we will be back" Hayes said coming out of the bathroom and walking over to me.

"Ok text us when you are on your way" I smile at him. He pecked my cheek and ruffled Angela's hair.

After that he walked out. "Well what do you guys want to do?" I looked around at the 4 of us.

"Mall?" Lauren suggested. I looked around and we all nodded. The girls left to their rooms to change.

I walked to my suitcase and prepared what I was going to wear. I grabbed a crop top that was a jersey that said problems 99. (( ari reference ;) ))

Some ripped shorts and put on my black vans. I let my hair down and changed my case to "queen of fucking everything" changing the u to a crown.

I looked myself in the mirror and looked satisfied with myself.

I applied some mascara and eyeliner and very light lipgloss. I wasn't those girls who cake themselves with make up.

I walked out and went to Angela's room first which she shared with Nathaly. They both came out smiling.

Angela was wearing a a white tank top with a flannel tied around her waist, with jeans and black Chuck Taylor's.

Nathaly wore a denim shirt and black leggings with black nikes.

We all walked to Lauren's room and she came out with a floral crop top and overalls with black converse.

We were all set and walked to the elevator. "This is the first girl day isn't it?" I asked all of them.

"Pretty sure" Lauren nodded and the elevator stopped. we walked out and waved at some fans.

We all walked out and started walking to the mall. I mean it was across the street.

"I feel like we might see the boys" Angela laughed. "probably" Nathaly laughed.

We crossed the street and walked through the parking lot. We entered the mall and looked around.

A couple of fans came over and took pictures with us and signed merch. We then walked along and looked at the stores.

"Which one?" Nathaly asked looking at the variety of stores.

"Forever 21" Lauren suggested and we walked in the first store out of many.


The girls and I had many bags in our hands. We were
On our way to the food court at the moment.

"That was a lot of shopping especially for me. I'm not into shopping usually, but who can say no to a iron man sweatshirt and croptop??" Angela said holding up the bag.

We laughed and took a seat. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out. It was Hayes.

From Bugbug 💖😂: I miss you cupcake :(

I laugh and text him back.

To Bugbug 💖😂: aw I miss you too Bugbug. wyd?

From Bugbug 💖😂: at the mall walking to the food court with the boyz.

To Bugbug 💖😂: same! I will look for you guys and bring you guys to our table.

I closed my phone and shoved it back into my pocket. "guys the boys are here and I'm bringing them here" I said running to the beginning of the food court.

I get there and stand on my tippie toes looking through the crowd. I then I see a blue eyed boy looking for me too and I smile.

I walk toward them and I see Hayes running too me. I smile and start running. He picks me up and engulfs me in a huge hug.

"I missed you cup cake" he said holding me in his arms. "Hayes you've been gone for 2 hours" I laugh.

"That felt like centuries!" He groaned and I laughed. "we are here too just saying" Cam said waving his arms.

I laughed and got down from Hayes arms, giving Cam a hug. I ended up giving all the boys a hug and I led them to our table.

The girls were sitting there talking when they looked over at us smiling. "hey guys" Angela waved. "hey beautiful" cam said kissing the top of her head and sitting down next to her.

"Speaking of beautiful, gaby you look beautiful" Hayes said kissing my temple. I blush and walk to the table, taking a seat next to Hayes.

"Let's get pizza!" Matt suggested. We all got up and ordered pizza.

<><><> 20 minutes later <><><>

"Well we have a couple more stores to go to, you guys coming?" Nash said pushing in his seat.

"Nah, we already got enough stuff" I smiled. "alright see you guys at the hotel" after that the guys walked off.

Hayes turns around and winked at me then turned back around. I blush and look down.

"Lets go girls" everyone pushed in their chairs and we headed to the hotel. We walked in the hotel and Into the elevator.

"Well I'm going to hang out in gabs room" Angela smiled. "I'm relaxing" Lauren said stretching. "me too" Nathaly said.

"Alright you know what that means Angela" we looked at each other.

"Call of duty!" We laughed and ran out of the elevator. "you guys are such nerds" Lauren shook her head and laughed. Nathaly did the same.

We shut the door behind us and set our stuff down near the living room.

We both grabbed our controllers and started the x-box. We played for around 20 minutes and Angela started getting frustrated.

"Ugh!" Angela groaned. "Angela" I said. "fuck!" She yelled. "Angela shh" I said. Angela groaned louder.

"Listen Angela those noises aren't necessary unless cam is around" I tease. she glares at me and starts blushing.

I laugh and see at the corner of my eye something moving. I look over and see Hayes and Cam laughing.

"Whoa Angela" Cameron walked out and winked at her. Her face went red and she looked down.

I laughed and shut off the game. " guys we have to go to rehearsals" I said getting up and walking to my suitcase.

Cam and Angela headed out and I grabbed my clothes and changed in the bathroom. I changed into a nike sports bra and leggings.

I wore my white converse and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out and see Hayes in a tank top with sweats and converse as well.

We walk out and meet everyone outside. everyone was ready and we walked outside to the limo waiting for us.

We all piled in the limo and headed towards the concert place.

"I finally get to see who the mystery guest is!" I smile. "yay" Hayes laughed and nudged me.

We all talked and did random shit to pass time. we arrived at the concert place and walked in.

I felt my phone vibrate and it was Shawn calling. I answered it. "hey Shawn what's up?" I asked.

"You said to call you when I was at the place. just a few more steps.." He said and I heard a door open. "here" I turned around and my jaw dropped.



Hey guys! I updated :)) your welcome.

This is a really long chapter so I hope you like it!

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