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Belle woke to find the place next to her empty. She glanced at the clock and saw it was just past midnight. They'd disappeared from the shop and returned home to make love after which she'd fallen asleep in his arms. Getting up and wrapping Rumple's robe around her she made her way downstairs.

When she didn't find anything there, she decided to try the cellar. Creeping down she saw her husband spinning at the wheel but he seemed to be creating a glowing purple substance.

"Rumple?" she asked. He looked up.

"Belle. Did I wake you?"

"No, I woke up to find myself alone." She stepped closer and took a seat next to him.

"Darling, I know you are eager to find our boy but you needn't spend the nights working up magic. Particularly when we've just found each other." Rumple gave her an apologetic look.

"I can't sleep anymore," Belle blinked and realized he meant that aspects of his curse had returned. Apparently including the fact that he didn't sleep.

"I think we'll need to go over the side effects of your curse in the morning."

"I have something for you," said Rumple and he reached for a small box. Belle was puzzled until Rumple held out her wedding ring. "Fortunately, it seems this made its way over." Belle beamed.

"Thank goodness for that," she placed it on her finger admiring the glint of the crimson stone. "I suppose I'm Mrs. Gold now."

"That would be the term in this world should you wish it." said Rumple. Belle cupped his cheek.

"I'd be more than happy to share your name. For now, though will you come back to bed with me?" She stood holding out her hand. Rumple gave her a small smile. And took it.

"I can deny my lady nothing." Belle giggled as she led him back upstairs.

"I should think not."


Breakfast the following morning was a rather pleasant affair. They'd lain in for quite a while before at last getting up and Rumple had made them pancakes.

"I must say it's a bit surreal finally being here," she said. Rumple nodded.

"After all my planning I'd have to agree. It's certainly very different than the enchanted forest."

"Yes, the technology is rather strange. It's almost a good thing the curse gave us fake identities with working knowledge of this world." said Belle thoughtfully.

"I still wouldn't trust you with this realm's stove, let alone a barbecue," scoffed Rumple and Belle laughed.

"I'm not THAT bad." Rumple made a non-committal noise as he sat down across from her.

"So how are things in terms of your curse?" she asked. "The physical manifestation isn't here but you said you don't sleep anymore." Rumple nodded.

"Correct. I can't sleep and unfortunately the tenants in my head have decided to make a reappearance. Slightly muted but most definitely there," Belle sighed. She'd hoped perhaps the land without magic might mitigate the effects of his curse. Muted was better than nothing she supposed.

"And the dagger does it still control you?"

"You tell me,"replied Rumple and Belle winced. She hated the idea of ever commanding him to do something. But she supposed she needed to know.

"Apparentem," The dagger appeared in her hand it's weight heavy.

"Pass me the butter," she ordered. She watched as for a moment her husband appeared to attempt to resist the order but then complied handing over the butter tray.

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now