𝐢𝐢. capture the flag games suck

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━━ act one, chapter two.


DEATH FOLLOWED NABI WHEREVER SHE WENT, EVEN IN HER DREAMS. At first, when the dream began to form through the haze of her mind— she didn't know what the scene actually was. But when she began to recognise it, Nabi shivered, and her heart sank into her stomach.

   The first time she had experienced the loss of a life was when her mother had died, during her childhood; mourning a mother she would never know enough of. Soon, she found herself in the arms of her Aunt Lisa, her mother's sister who had taken her in.

   The second time was when she'd once asked to go out to the shops. A black cat, with a soft meow and frail paws was outside of the store, begging for scraps at her feet. Nabi decided to go to the same shop every day, just to see the little creature and spend her pocket money to feed it. A few weeks later, the poor thing had starved to death; Nabi had had no money left.

   The third time was... the worst one. Just like the past wilting lives she had blamed herself for — her aunt's love hadn't lasted. That was the night she had decided to leave; the night that she decided not to use her powers unless it was a last resort; the night that Nabi was currently rewatching in her dreams...

"Ungrateful brat!" Garrett growled. "Without me, you'd be living on the streets!"

He kicked Nabi, and she went skidding across the room. The man, her aunt's boyfriend, snarled down at her, taking a swig of his beer. Some of it dribbled from down his chin and onto the wooden floor, looking at the small girl with wild eyes. She stuttered, "I—I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't—"

"Shut up, fucking bastard." He spat. She winced as his hand flew toward her, slapping her face so harshly that it left a red mark. "You can't tell your aunt anything, otherwise, I'll leave. And you'll be broke, with no money, and no clothes, because I'm the only reason you both are still alive. Got that?"

Nabi nodded, trying not to cry. Garrett wasn't satisfied, though, and kicked her again. She muffled a noise of pain, as he sneered, "I want to hear you."

"Yes," She mumbled, then quickly added on, "sir."

He squinted, still looking at her before suddenly, he chucked the bottle across the room. It shattered, and shards of glass flew everywhere. "Good. Now go clean that shit up."

With shaking hands, she rose to her feet and scuffled to the mess he'd made. Nabi had accidentally cut herself on some of the pieces, but she silently continued doing what she was asked. Her breath hitched when a drop of her blood fell onto her aunt's favourite carpet — she turned to the man, and he gritted his teeth. "You better make sure that gets cleaned too, kid."

She swallowed a lump in her throat. Nabi's voice cracked as she mustered, "Okay. I'm sorry."

For some reason, her words made him even more angry. He clenched his fists, and swung at her. His punch knocked the wind out of her, and she curled into herself slightly at the blow. He yelled, "I don't want your fucking apologies!"

   He hit her again, and then again. Until she was begging for it to end. She choked, "Please stop— please! Stop, stop!"

   But he wouldn't... so Nabi made him stop. A feeling inside of her leapt in her chest, and without proper reason, she flicked one of her trembling hands upwards with force — a shadow from the room followed her movements like she was guiding it. As Garrett attempted to land another hit, aiming to break her nose, she tugged the shadow forward. Whatever she was doing felt sore, like her muscles were straining as she commanded the darkness... clearly, she wasn't experienced enough with this ability. But the shadows wrapped around his neck, and he muttered, "What— what's happening?"

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇, Clarisse la RueWhere stories live. Discover now