𝐱𝐢. clarisse flies home alone

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━━ act two, chapter eleven.


TYSON GAVE THEM THE SHORT VERSION OF IT ALL: a hippocampus called Rainbow — sea monsters with horses for a head, glistening scales and silvery fish bodies — had saved Tyson sinking beneath the wreckage of the CSS Birmingham and pulled him to safety.

From there, the two had been searching the Sea of Monsters ever since, trying to find them, until Tyson caught the scent of sheep and found Polyphemus' island.

   "Tyson, thank the gods," Percy called down to him, "Annabeth is hurt!"

   "You thank the gods she is hurt?" Tyson asked, puzzled.

   "No!" Percy yelled back.

   Nabi, alongside Clarisse, hurried over to where Grover and Percy were knelt beside Annabeth — the gash on her forehead was worse than anyone had realized. Her hairline was sticky with blood; skin was pale and clammy.

   Percy asked, "Tyson, the Fleece. Can you get it for me?"

   "Which one?" Tyson said, looking around at the hundreds of sheep.

   "It's the gold one inside that tree!" Nabi told him.

   "Oh, pretty," Tyson mumbled, "yes."

   He lumbered over, careful not to step on the sheep. If it were anyone else, Nabi knew they'd be eaten within seconds. It was probably because Tyson smelled like Polyphemus, because the flock merely cuddled up to him and bleated affectionately.

Tyson reached up and lifted the Fleece off of the tree, about to walk over when Percy shouted, "No time! Throw it!"

   The gold ram skin sailed through the air, with Percy barely being able to catch it — just being near the Fleece was enough for Nabi to feel the potency of it; the sheer power it had. She never noticed how dull her bones felt until they were thrumming with life. Percy lifted it up and spread the Fleece over Annabeth like a blanket.

Nabi prayed silently that it would work.

The color returned to Annabeth's face. Her eyelids fluttered open as the cut on her forehead began to close. She squinted her eyes at Grover and muttered weakly, "You're not... married?"

Grover grinned. "No, my friends talked me out of it."

"Annabeth, be careful," Nabi said, "you should lay down properly."

"Yeah, lay still." Percy mumbled.

Despite everyone's protests, she sat up. Nabi noticed that the cut on her face was almost completely rejuvenated, already beginning to look a lot better. In fact, her complexion practically shimmered with health.

   Meanwhile, Tyson was starting to have trouble with the sheep. A few of them were sniffing in their direction, whilst the rest tried to climb him, looking for food.

"Down!" Tyson ordered, "No, sheepies. This way! Come here!"

They heeded him, but it was obvious they were hungry, and they were starting to realize Tyson didn't have any treats for them. They wouldn't hold out forever with so much fresh meat nearby.

   "We have to go," Percy said, "our ship is..."

   The Queen Anne's Revenge was a very long way away. The shortest route was across the chasm, and they'd just destroyed the only bridge. The only other possibility was through the sheep.

   "Tyson," Percy called, "can you lead the flock as far away as possible?"

   "The sheep want food."

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇, Clarisse la RueWhere stories live. Discover now