𝐢𝐢𝐢. clarisse gets issued a quest

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━━ act two, chapter three.



   Nabi knew those words. They were the exact words written on the slip of card she'd received.

   Her dream began in the darkness, until it formed a setting of a beautiful garden — rows upon rows of flowers of all kinds: roses, hydrangeas, peonies, and other flowers than Nabi didn't know the names of.

It was beautiful, really... somehow, it gave Nabi feelings of nostalgia. Memories from the back of her mind resurfaced — making flower crowns and daisy chains with Silena in the woods when they were younger, when Silena didn't have her head counsellor duties and life was less chaotic; pulling pranks involved with flowers that she'd been roped into by the Stoll brothers; Clarisse collecting pink tulips for her as an apology, after they'd had their first ever proper fight back when they were just kids.

It made her think of how much she missed being a child, for some reason.

Nabi continued walking forwards, letting her fingers brush against a couple of the different flowers with soft petals, until she entered the centre of the garden. In the middle of the garden was a fountain — grand and beautiful, spouting water as clear and pristine as the sky. She found herself drawn to it.

   As she got closer to it, she saw... a girl? No older than herself; a youthful appearance and a pale complexion, sitting on the edge of the fountain. She wore a flower crown, and her dark hair was swirled into a bun. The girl was wearing a graceful white minidress, and she looked up at Nabi with blue eyes, similar to the fountain's crystal water. But none of that was what truly amazed Nabi, no...

   It was her wings — large and glistening, much like Nabi's, except the girl's were white and pure. All gods had that otherworldly look to them, but these wings were what told Nabi she was a goddess.

   "My, Nabi," The goddess pouted childishly, yet her words didn't fit with the voice of someone so young, "I hate how fast you're growing."

Nabi didn't really know how to respond to that. All she could do was blink, and mustered, "...Thank you, miss? I— I like your wings."

They fluttered, as if to show off, blowing soft breezes in Nabi's direction. The girl laughed, "Why thank you, my fair... hm, I had already written it on the card, so I refuse to say it. I hate the feeling of seeming..."

Nabi thought she was going to say something super wise, or a really fancy word, with the way her nose scrunched up in disgust. But instead, all she said was, "...old. You shouldn't call me 'miss,' either. Anyways, wings aren't just a symbol of your father. A few other gods have them too, such as Iris."

"Excuse me," Nabi said politely, not wanting to anger a god, "but can I ask who you are?"

The goddess merely waved a hand dismissively, and hummed, "You will meet me in person soon, that I can guarantee. I've been meaning to speak to you for a while now, anyways; you have went far too long without knowing of your fate... of your curse."

There it was again.

   The 'curse' talk that Nabi's father had brought up the last time they'd spoken. Nabi tried to hide her bitterness. When the goddess saw her expression, she sighed and gave her a look of pity, "You won't like what I have to tell you. You won't like any of it, and for that, I am sorry. Tell me, Nabi, how much do you know about your mother?"

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇, Clarisse la RueWhere stories live. Discover now