Chapter 1

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                                                                                Chapter 1
                                                                      Mysterious Guests

It's a bright early morning with a serene silence that is swiftly interrupted by my severely unmelodic and unattractive yawning. What a lovely early morning...NOT!!!
"Ugh.....I hate being up so early..." I grumble to myself. "Bed, I miss you already"
I hear a familiar giggle and turn to see my housemate and best friend's blinding smile. She's standing in the living room in jeans and a warm sweater, holding a mug of coffee. Her brunette hair falling softly against her shoulders. "Hi Wolfie! Good morning bish!" I give her a small grin in response, bemused by her high energy this early in the morning.  Which, by the way, I will never understand and gave up trying a long time ago. "Morning Jen."  "Did you have a good sleep?" She asks and I shrug. "I guess so...but it really wasn't long enough! Like why do I have to be up at 7 am."   Jeni giggles at my response. "You sure love your sleep don't you?"   "Can you blame me? My bed is so warm and cosy!"    Jeni smiles, taking another sip of her freshly brewed coffee. "So, are you looking forward to today?"   

I can't help but smile slightly at this question, thinking over what today will potentially bring. I attend a performing arts academy as it could potentially allow me to achieve my dream of becoming a professional singer. Last week, our instructor informed us of some special guests coming in soon to work with us. It's all this massive secret project and no one has any clue as to what will happen. All we know is there is a mystery guest and something will be filmed with us in it based on consent forms we had to all fill in beforehand. And ever since all this there has been an influx of rumours about who our mystery guest may be. But with the apprehension and the excitement of this major upcoming event, it is easy to see why it spread like wildfire and why no one has talked about anything else since. But today everything comes to light. We'll know exactly who it is and exactly they will be doing with us as part of this said project. 

Shrugging slightly, I give Jeni a small smile, "Yeah I guess so, I'm just honestly more curious to see who the mystery guest is."  "Imagine if it is BTS!" Jeni giggles before giving me a knowing look, "You'll get to meet your Jungkookie, Mrs Jeon." Rolling my eyes I can't help but scoff. "Yeah right, as if! BTS are the biggest group on the planet and crazily busy. Like they'd have time for us at all."  She shrugs, "Well you never know. Stranger things have happened." "I guess. It's funny though, even a lot of the others at the academy think it could be them. But it's only because of that one clue we were given. A big group from another country."  Jeni smirks, folding her arms, "Well, they are big! And they are from another country!"  At this, I can't help but scoff at the absurdity. "Yeah, and so are so many other groups. You'd have more chance of winning the lottery than BTS showing up at my academy."   "Well, if it is, you have to take me there with you so I can meet my man!" She squeals, cheeks flushing at the thought of her bias. I chuckle softly at her, "Sure, if by some miracle it is them, I'll bring you along to meet Jin."

If you hadn't guessed by now, Jeni and I are both ARMY.  Loud and proud to be! Jeni's bias is (obviously as stated before) Kim Seokjin and mine is Mr Jeon Jungkook. We both love to tease each other about our biases', Jeni constantly calls me Mrs Jeon knowing damn well it makes me blush and giggle. Partly at the cringiness of it. Like I'd ever be worthy of someone as amazing as Jungkook though. It would never happen in a million years.  Still... a girl can dream. Anyway, Jeni was the one who initially introduced me to BTS and I fell down that rabbit hole faster than you can say Lajibolala. We often binge-watch all their shows together or random videos of them on YouTube. We also have built quite a significant collection of merch too!

"Oh, by the way, I made breakfast for you." 

Jeni's voice startles me out of my thoughts but I grin, "Ah thanks, Jen! I'll quickly eat that now and head out as I really can't afford to be late today."  Sitting down at the table, I wolf down my toast and gulp down my coffee whilst we resume our conversations. But after a while, I spot the time on the clock and shoot up. "Oh shizzle! Is that the time?! I need to get moving!" Finishing my coffee, I put the mug in the sink and rush around to gather my things. Aish! Where did I put my damn keys?!  "Ah! Bingo!" I voice out loud as I grab my keys off the coffee table. I then speedily put on my shoes and jacket.

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