Chapter 3

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"NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE!" He bellows, shoving me roughly. I fall to the floor with a thud and after shaking off the initial shock, I scramble to my feet and without a word...

...bolt hastily out of the door.

                                                                                    Chapter 3                                                                                                                                                                      Sisters On  a Mission

Sitting in the lonely stairwell I wipe the tears that are leaking from my eyes. I should be used to it by now. This is how it always is and probably how it always will be. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Saying I'm the underdog in this academy would be an understatement. I don't even have my own practice room. I'm forced to rehearse in the emergency stairwell even though it is usually only meant to be used if there is an emergency. (Shocker, I know) But Victor gave me 'special permission' to use it. Pfft. Special permission. What's so special about sitting in a cold, depressing stairwell? At least the acoustics are good I guess. 




Hearing my phone, I take it out of my pocket and smile slightly, seeing texts from Jeni.

Jeni - Hey Wolfie! 

Jeni- How's it going?

Jeni- Did you find out who the mystery guest is?

Me- Hey Jeni. Honestly, I'm not that great rn.

Jeni - Why?! What's wrong hun?!

Me- Can I call you?

Jeni- Sure hun.

Getting the 'ok' i video call Jeni and immediately she answers, a smile beaming on her face. "Hey, Wolfie!"   But her face drops when she sees my expression. "Hun?! Why are you crying?! What's wrong? Is it to do with the mystery guest?" I shake my head in response. "Sorta I guess..."  She sighs, "Tell me what happened. Start from the beginning."  I nod, wiping my eyes again. " found out who the mystery guest is. They performed a few songs for us."  "Who was it?"  "BTS." I respond and she squeals, "No fricken way!!!! Really?!"  Smiling slightly, I continue, "Yeah, I can't believe it either. And their performances were amazing!" Jeni laughs, "I bet it was!" But she proceeds to frown, "So what happened then? What's the problem?"   I sigh, "It's about this project we're doing with them. This show is called Stage Stars."  "Ooh! Tell me more!" She says, sipping on her iced coffee, which is more than likely not her first nor last of the day.  I explain to Jeni everything about the project, about each stage, BTS mentoring people, and of course the grand prize. As I talk, her smile grows more and her eyes light up in excitement. "Wolfie! This is the perfect opportunity for you!"   "Yeah...but-" I'm cut off as she squeals, "Maybe Jungkook will pick you to work with! Aah! Imagine, you'd get to be so close to him. Oh, I hope he does!" I shake my head at her, "That's impossible."     "Well, you never know! He could hear you and be amazed by your beautiful voice and-" I cut her off sharply, "NO! HE WON'T YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"  Startled by my outburst she pouts, "Wolfie...?"   To this I just sigh, "Victor put up a list of all those who he believed were eligible to take part and guess what? My name wasn't there."  Jeni gasps, "What!?! But you're so talented!"   I scoff, "Yeah, tell that to him. Everyone on the music course except for me, was on that list. Everyone but me." I can't stop the tears leaking from my eyes and I let out a small sob, "Why does he keep doing this to me Jen? It's not fair..."  Jeni frowns, "Oh Wolfie, I'm so sorry...."

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