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i was just lying down my desk when i heard my classmates talking about a new student or smth.

just then, the teacher came in.

"everyone, settle down." ms. lee clasped her hands.

"today, there will be a new student, so please be friendly."

the classroom door the opened, revealing a very pretty girl.

she went up to the front and bowed. "hello, everyone. my name is kim siwon. please take care of me."

"glad to meet you, siwon. you may sit down next to hana. hana, please raise your hand."

i hesitantly raised my hand.

siwon then came up to me and smiled.

i smiled back but she rolled her eyes.

okay, what?? the?? fuck??


a week passed & it wasn't a very good week.

yujin was ignoring me and guess what? he was always with siwon.

i thought i was his girlfriend??

oh wait, it was only a deal.

but still, what the fuck?

after comforting me, saying he'll help me with my dad, he's suddenly hanging out with a girl who's much more prettier than me??

ouch, my heart ached.

i guess he was playing with me.

he made me fall for him for no reason.

i then felt something cold on my cheek that made me jolt up.

i looked up to see someone i didn't expect.

he then handed me the can of soda which he used to put on my cheek earlier.

"why isn't yujin with you?" he asked and sat beside me.

"he's hanging out with that siwon."

he just nodded & took a sip on his soda can.

i opened the can he gave me and drank it.

"are you cool with it? i mean, you guys were getting closer to each other."

"to be honest.. i'm hurt." i sighed. "i actually think i like him."

there was then silence between us.




we both stopped talking as we both talked at the same time.

"you go first." we both said again.

"fine, i'll go first." i said.

"i didn't mean to say that i like him, okay? please don't tell him.."

he then laughed. "alright. but now, my turn.."

"i'm so sorry, hana.." he looked down.

why is he sorry?

"i.. i was forced to spy on you and yujin then tell yujin's parents about you guys.." gunwook explained.


"please don't misunderstand. yujin is also forced to hang out with siwon. they are.."

"..getting married."




oof how long has it been my friend

its been a looooong daaaaay

can u come over???

@ ur house??


i need someone to talk to pwetty pweaasee

alright, im comin



"RIGHT HEEREE" (by the boyz)

ricky barged in my room & jumped on my bed.

"wow, i really miss your bouncy bed."

"thanks, i miss you too."


i then plopped down my bed beside him.

"i'm sad.." i said & pouted.





i sighed and covered my face with my pillow.

"he's getting married."


"he's getting married with siwon."

"you mean the new student??"

i nodded.

"i heard that siwon's family is so rich, just like yujin's.."

i then sat up. "why do i feel so broken? like, it feels like i hated him yesterday and then i suddenly like him today. what is happening?!"

ricky then smacked my head. "the fuck was that for?!"

"you're in love with yujin, you idiot. you don't just 'like' him. it's love."

i then rolled my eyes.

"you mean, hatred."

"no, love."


"ugh, just- just stop." he massaged his temples.

i groaned and fell back down, laying in my bed.

"he doesn't even spare a glance at me anymore.."

"he's just scared to see you hurt."

"how could you say that? maybe he doesn't like me in the first place. after all, our relationship was only a deal."

my eyes then started to get glossy.

"i wished i didn't agree on that deal and just let him bully me. i agreed just so i won't be humiliated and hurt. but agreeing to it made me hurt even more." tears finally trickled down.

ricky then engulfed me in a hug.

"it's alright.."

"i even believed him that he would help me in any possible ways for my dad to survive." i cried even more.

trusting is just one of everyone's weakness.


HATRED [HAN YUJIN] ✦ZEROBASEONE ✦Where stories live. Discover now