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"i did it.." i mumbled to myself.

it hurts. yujin was the first one who made me feel this way.

the feeling when you feel butterflies is in your stomach.

sure, we're not that close yet but we bond quite a lot.

i sighed.

just forget about him hana, he's going to marry another person who's much better than you.


i walked around the park to get some fresh air.

something then hit me..

shit, finals is coming up yet i'm still dumb.

ah, fuck it.

i'll just go study next time when i feel like it lol. (pls dont follow)

like bangchan said @ 3racha's double knot,, "stop procrastinating."

but sorry chan, i can't do that.

i shivered, why is it suddenly so cold??

just then, a cold substance fell on my nose.

wait- it's snowing?!

is this what i get for not listening or watching the weather forecast?

i wasn't wearing any jacket or anything to keep me warm.

i was just in my casual attire, aka white shirt + shorts.

good job, hana. now you're gonna freeze to death.

i stopped walking & rubbed my arms to keep me warm.

while i was doing so, a coat was placed over my shoulders.

i looked up & saw yujin.

i was dumbfounded, my mind went blank. but my heartbeat raised once again.

white snow started piling up around us. bits of snow can be seen on top of his head. it made him cuter than he already is.

he hugged me.

again, my mind was still blank.

what should i say or do?

how should i react?

he broke the hug & cupped my cheeks, that made me feel warmer inside despite the very cold weather around us.

"hana.." he spoke & tears started swelling up his eyes.

"please, wait for me.." he then leaned in & our lips connected.

my first kiss, under the snow, with yujin.

he broke the kiss & hugged me again shortly.

"please promise me that."

and that, he walked away.

i hate you, yujin.

why did you leave me like that?




omg is everything alright there, pal??

yea but ur dad!!!

why?? what happen to dad??

he's going to have the surgery tomorrow!

wait what??

but we havent paid for the surgery yet??

wait u didnt??

then who did??

idk who but im coming @ the hospital rn

alright we're waiting


"mom!" i ran up to them.

mom smiled at me. "your dad is getting much more better now."

"i know that.. but who paid for the surgery..?"

"we still don't know, honey. but that person is an angel."

i just stayed quiet.

i decided to run off to the hospital's lobby & went to the front desk.

"n-nurse, can i ask?"

the nurse then nodded.

"who paid the surgery bills for mr. jung at room 804??"

she then checked something from her folder and turned back to me.

"ah, yesterday.. a boy with purple sweather and white pants was here and paid."

i then furrowed my eyebrows.

purple sweater and white pants..

purple sweather.. white pants..

purple sweather?

han yujin?


HATRED [HAN YUJIN] ✦ZEROBASEONE ✦Where stories live. Discover now