1 // Game On

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"I swear to God, Heather." I grunt, applying the last bit of mascara onto my lashes.

"Porter, if you complain one more time, I will cut out your tongue and shove it up your ass." She flashes me an innocent grin.

"At least you're being subtle about it." I glare at her, sarcastically. Her heeled boots clunk against the ground as she walks over to my closet, rummaging through my clothes. 

"Your wardrobe makes me weep, you barely have anything that stands out. Most of this is either dark blue or black." She groans, nit-picking her way through my shirts and sweaters.

"Cry me a river." I turn away from the dresser mirror and join her in front of my closet doors. "I am fully capable of picking out my own outfits."

"I know, I know. Sorry." She raises her hands in innocence. She does this every time. I take a quick glance at her outfit and try to find something in my assortment of clothes that would possibly match her high-waisted skinny jeans and floral long-sleeved shirt that peeks out from beneath her light pink sweater. I give up and resort to the casual outfit I wear when it's chilly outside and I couldn't care less about picking out a nice outfit: my brown moccasins, navy blue jacket that clearly reads Wildwood Beach, NJ in a curly font on the front, and a pair of dark-washed jeans. 

"Again, why do I have to go to Calum's game?" I question as I pull the sweatshirt over my head, pants then following. Calum is Heather's new super-fit, soccer-player boyfriend; he's quite attractive if I do say so myself.

"Because! I'm not letting you just sit here in your dorm and bawl over some stupid tv show while eating a gallon of ice-cream like a miserable human being." I roll my eyes.

"Plus, you've never been to one of his games and Nadia needs to catch up with her schoolwork." Nadia is Heather's other best friend who missed a whole month of school while her and her mom traveled to Europe. Normally Nadia goes with Heather to Calum's games, but since she isn't here, I'm a substitute. 

"I don't know squat about soccer." I mumble. Yes, I do sports, mostly running. I know nothing about how soccer works and the positions, I guess I never got into it.

"Oh, don't be a baby. I'll teach you." I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"You know stuff about soccer?"

"Of course! If I'm going to have a super-cute soccer-player boyfriend, I may as well learn the game." I chuckle to myself. Heather and Calum have only been dating for a month and a half so far and normally she's not that dedicated to her relationships; call me impressed.

"I know, I know. But I actually like him, Porter!" She gasps, her voice an octave higher as she playfully hits me in response to the shocked expression that's now imprinted on my face.

"Sure..." I laugh, going over to grab my gloves from my dresser.

"Ready to go?" She grins. I nod slightly and grab my dorm key off of the keychain by the door. Perks of living in a single person dorm: You'll never have to deal with a roomie that constantly leaves their dorm keys god-knows-where and consistently asks to borrow yours. I shut the door tightly behind me, catching up with Heather after hearing a satisfying click of the lock. 

"So Calum's playing goalie tonight and he's super nervous so wish him luck before the game, okay?"

"Sure," I shrug as we make our way down the creaky staircase.


"I see him," Heather blushes as we enter the arena for the game. Tonights match was home, held at our college, Kahbaria (cah-bar-e-ah) University. 

"Come on!" Heather tugs on my hand, leading me over to the seats that are near one of the corner's close to the opposing team's goal so that we can see as our team makes their way to shoot and score with good view. Though we are on the other side of the field where it's hard to see Calum at his goal post, Heather wanted to get a good seat for "the action" she says, but maybe she just likes looking at the other goalie's butt... I have to admit, it is nice.

     With it being 5:30pm, the sky already getting darker with every passing moment, the field lights begin to buzz on, illuminating the grass with a glow. I see Calum jog over from where he stood in the middle of the field with a few other of his team's players, smiling when he sees us. We leave our stuff on the bleachers as we climb down a couple steps in order to reach the metal fence that seperates the field and the seating area. Calum runs his hand through his three inch long brunette hair that droops down with sweat from warming up. Heather closes her hands around the metal wiring that the fence consists of and blushes as Calum stops to observe her face, grinning. 

"I'm happy you came." He says, wetting his lips. I stand awkwardly next to Heather, pretending to look around and watch the opposite team's players begin their drills. 

"I always do," Heather laughs lightly. Out of the corner of my eye I see them leaning in, then hear the noise of them kissing and I suddenly start feeling more out of place, if that's possible.

"Alrighty then, I'm gonna go sit. Good luck, Calum." I fake smile very obviously, rolling my eyes as he pulls back from their interlocked lips to wave at me, his lips shining, probably from Heather's saliva. Internal barf.

"See you after," He says just loud enough so that I can still hear it from my spot on the bleachers. 

"Good luck, babe." Calum then struts off in a walk towards the other side of the field where his team was now beginning to huddle. 

"Is-is that vomit I feel threatening to spew all over the place?" I joke, clutching my stomach in fake sickness. 

"You're jealous," Heather yawns. 

"I'm perfectly happy without a boyfriend, thank you very much." I scoff, crossing my arms and watching as Kahbaria's team greets our opposing team: Hunsfur. 

Game on.

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