A real witch

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That was what Luz wanted to be.

A real witch.

Not just a user of Titan's magic.

A real, no-glyphs witch.

Sure, she loved glyphs and was proud of herself for discovering them, but...it was a hassle. After every day of school, or just when something attacked her (which happens quite a lot), she needed to sit down, grab herself papers, and begin drawing new ones, so she would be ready.

She was like a gun; without ammunition, in her case, without glyphs, she was nothing.

But that changed.

Because Amity let her loose in the library.


"Magic...magic...magic..." Luz mumbled to herself, reading through the covers of the books.

"Magic items...nope." She was trying to find anything that would help her with using the glyphs. 

"Luz!" She heard from behind, making her turn around, only to see the green-haired witch walking towards her.

"Hey." Luz waved. "Done with the kids?"

"Yeah, for today," Amity said, hiding a hair behind her ear. "So, what are you looking for?"

"Anything allowing me to use glyphs without the glyphs itself," Luz said. "Like...summoning them at least."

"How about this?" Amity said, taking out a book labeled "Empowering Witchcraft" and opening it. "Look, it immediately says that palismen strengthen any magic."

"I tried it with Stringbean, but it didn't work." Luz sighed. "It made the glyph stronger, sure, but also I still need to carry glyphs with me. Also, make them."

"I wish I could help you." "Aw, you are helping me already, Amity." Luz gave her a warm smile. "For example, allowing me to be here, or hanging out with me. It all means so much to me."

"I-I'm g-glad." Amity, being the gayest gay on the island, stuttered out, being flattered by every word Luz said.

But then something hit her.

"Heart!" Amity blurted out, surprising Luz.

"Hm?" "A heart!" Amity said again. "You need a heart!"

"I'm...pretty sure I have one," Luz said, putting her hand on her chest. "Or...at least I hope so."

"Yes, you do," Amity said, cursing herself for what she said. "But I meant a witch's heart!"

"Bile sack?" Luz asked as Amity nodded. "Amity, I don't have one, because I'm human."

"So what you are a human?" Amity asked. "We need to talk to anyone, who can heal."


The two stepped into the healer's office, immediately seeing sick witches waiting. As they went up to the desk, an old lady looked at them and smiled.

"Oh, hello Amity! Here for a checkup?" The lady asked, taking a paper into her hand.

"No, not today," Amity said, remembering she was supposed to visit her gynecologist last month. "We are here to consult something with the healers."

"Okay, well..." The lady began looking through her papers. "Mister...Lae is free now, you can talk to him."

"Thanks a lot," Amity said, walking to the doctor's office.

"This...looks like an expensive hospital," Luz whispered.

"It is, but don't worry, we are here to consult," Amity said. Soon, they were knocking on the door and being greeted by the head healer of the hospital. He seated them and took a seat in front of them.

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