Chapter 10: A Spiteful Reunion

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With the small heard of civilians Ayla and Estella traveled with now safe, both females had done the best they could to provide medical attention to who they could. Ayla's stash of potions and elixirs depleted and Estella's healing magic draining her to exhaustion.

Ayla, telling the civilians where they could find more aid and shelter as Estella took the moment to recollect herself. Her own body riddled with cuts, bruises and various other wounds. With her magic now taking a toll on her, her body slumped. Drained of what little strength she already had escaping the city. The baren desert they stopped in was a few miles from Hammerhead. Judging from what Ayla could tell from where they were at. Standing guard despite her own body begging for rest, Ayla's eyes focused solely on the royal she was meant to protect. The woman she looked at seeming to stare off into the void of the dirt covered land in front of them. Vacant from her own mind. What Ayla could only assume it was Estella's mind beginning to process everything that had happened in the past few hours.

The loud engine of a magitek ship flying overhead and towards the ruined city of Insomnia caused the red-haired female's eyes to look back at the princess' defeated posture.

"You'll be safer once we reach Hammerhead."

Ayla began.

Her voice seeming to be enough to pull Estella back into the present. It was the lifeless look in the older woman's eyes that caused Ayla's stoic eyes to flicker with concern. It was unsettling to see her in such a state. Although, something within the younger woman told her that it would only evolve; sooner than she'd expect.

"The Nifs might show up around here if we stay here."

Pressing with another statement to encourage the royal into moving from where she sat. It worked, seeing as Estella rose from where she was allowing her body to rest. Stumbling slightly, Estella's arms pulled away from her side, as if to balance herself with invisible railings before standing still. Testing her balance, she took a step forward, seeing that her body's strength could hold out for a little bit longer. Motioning for Ayla to lead the way in front of them.

"Lead on."

Dry and hoarse, the woman could only attempt to clear her throat into her hand. Her voice being raw from shouting, screaming even during the fall of Insomnia. Dehydration also taking apart of her rough sounding voice. With Ayla in front, she led the princess through the desert. Sticking to the rough terrain to avoid any possible encounters with the enemy if they could prevent it.

A large sign reading Hammerhead, with a hammerhead shark reflecting the sun's rays in the distance. The grumpy old man's garage Ayla frequently visited in her youth, coming closer with each step they took. The small gas station next to the garage along with Takka's restaurant next to the small convivence store becoming a welcoming sight for Ayla. Her eyes still surveying their surroundings as a means of precaution. Even if she was in familiar territory, it didn't mean danger didn't lurk nearby. Ayla wasn't willing to take any chances after what they both had been through. The heat of the sun beaming down on them beginning to cause both females to sweat. Washing away the ash and dirt from their hasty escape from the city in their wake.

Stepping foot onto the concrete pavement, Ayla spotted two familiar figures. To her, at the very least. Cid, the owner of the garage in Hammerhead and his grease-monkey granddaughter, Cindy. Approaching with the Lucian Princess in tow, their footsteps gained the attention of the pair ahead of them.

"Well, if it isn't Ayla--You look like you've been through hell."

Cindy began as Cid took a limp forward. His age on full display as he walked.

"Lady Estella needs somewhere safe to reside. Did Prince Noctis pass through here?"

Getting straight to business as Cid's tired eyes looked at Regis' eldest. The spitting image of Regis standing in front of him. Blank, expressionless and devoid of any life in her face. Her tattered, dirty and bloodied dress indicating she was caught in the middle of what had gone down in the city. Her beaten and battered body indicated that she barely made it out of the city.

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