Chapter 1: The Early Years

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"Lady Estella, we must make haste to your parent's chambers." An older gentleman and a trusted friend of the king said as he gently ushered the young child from her room; into the hallway. 

"I've told you to call me Ella, Clarus!" 

The young girl said to the adult male before her. As she quickly grabbed his hand, tugging on his arm to start proceeding to her parent's room. chuckling at the reaction from the child, Clarus could only shake his head gently at such a response. 

"As you wish Your Highness. I'm coming." 

The small smile on his lips resided as they made their way to the King and Queen's chamber. Upon arriving, Estella was already bursting with excitement. As she practically pushed the door open, she could only watch with excited eyes as her parents turned their heads to look at her and Clarus when they entered. Approaching slowly when her mother beckoned her over, she could only stand by the bedside, her expression faded into a dream-like expression when she saw the baby cuddled in her mother's loving arms. 


"Mommy? When will I get to meet him? My baby brother?" 

A younger version of the Princess asked as she walked along the edge of the fountain; balancing with her arms spread out to assist her with her balance. 

The King released a small chuckle from behind his lips while the Queen raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at her daughter. 

"And what makes you believe that you'll have a baby brother?" 

The Queen questioned her daughter in a playful tone as she sat on the garden bench with her husband. The sun from outside sprinkling it's way past the trees and dazzling little spots on the ground around them. 

"It's my older sibling sense. Besides! I want a little brother. Having a little sister would be too hard for me. Mom is just about the only female family member I need. Plus! I have been getting the hang of things of the opposite gender. But dress-up, make-up, and boys. Ew!" 

Aulea giggled behind her hand softly as she then rose from the bench, bringing her hands out in front of her, clapping her hands twice, and catching her daughter as she lightly jumped into her mother's arms. Propping her on her hip, Aulea could only tuck some loose strands of Estella's hair behind her ear as she pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. 

"I'm certain your father is happy about the 'boys being gross' part." 

The Queen joked softly as King Regis chuckled. 

"I am. I won't have to worry about it for now. When you get older though; I can only pray to the Six that you'll keep that opinion of boys when you continue to grow up." 

Rolling her eyes softly, Aulea could only look back at her daughter with soft eyes. 

"Back to my sibling talk; regardless of the gender of my baby sibling, I am going to protect them and love them for as long as I live and even after."

Estella said with a proud smile on her face as her mother had set her on the ground. Pressing her hand to her mother's stomach; feeling a kick against her hand. The little girl's smile had become contagious to the King and Queen, as a smile graced their lips as well seeing how devoted their child was to their unborn one. Intertwining his finger with his wife's, Regis could only press a kiss to her hand when he had lifted it to his lips as he held a loving expression within his eyes as he shared a look with his wife. 

"I'm certain we all will Estella. I know that with my whole heart." 

End of Flashback

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