We need to talk...

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"Wake up kels wake up!!! Connor screetched as if I was never going to wake up! He kept poking me trying to get me to answer.

"What Con! What's so important its 5 am?" I snapped at him regretting it afterwards. He knew I wasn't a morning person especially not one that would be woken up at 5 in the morning! And on a Saturday!

"Look I'm sorry Con, I shouldn't of snapped I'm just tired and you kept poking me when you could of just kept saying my name. It annoys me when you do that but what actually did you do that for and why am I awake at 5 am?" I tried to be as calm as I could, trying not to make Connor feel uncomfortable and the situation unbareable!

"Well you know the band..." He started off unsure of wether he should carry on after the excitement had worn out of what he actually wanted to tell me and he paused for s second.
"Erm well our manager wants us to go on tour!" The sound of his voice gradually got more excitable again but still not as much as it was when I was first awoken!

"Oh! That's cool, I would really like to come you know and see some of the shows! Only if your okay with it and that isn't a problem for you, your manager and the boys." I smiled throughout the whole time I spoke just to show him how much I actually do care beneath all this stubbornness.

Connor smiled but seemed unsure once again! His voice broke and he burst into tears....
"Well there's only one problem with that..... "

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