The Invention (Part 2)

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Logan's P. O. V.

As I went to Chen Noodle house I spotted Lloyd so I went to him and sat next to him, I was about to say something when Jay approached to us.
"Hi, Jay." I greeted him.
"Hey, Logan how you been?" He asked me I shrugged and said." I been doing okay you?"
"I been doing alright," He said.
Then few minutes later Cole came and now we were just waiting for Kai.

Lloyd: Kai, back here.

Kai: Jay? Cole? Logan?

Cole: Ha, you too?

Jay: The runt tricked us all.

Lloyd: (He stops Kai from taking food from the conveyor belt.) We talk first, then eat.

Cole: Uh, trust me, do you know what kind of restraint I've had to stare at all of this noodle goodness? You're late.

Kai: Make it quick.

Lloyd: I know without Zane things have been different, but we have to move on. The reason I brought you all here is because... maybe we should add someone new to our team.

I then stopped when Lloyd said a new ninja.
"Excuse me!?"

Kai: A new ninja?

Jay: Are you crazy!?

Cole: Come on, Zane's irreplaceable!

Lloyd: I cared for him too but now it's time to care about this team.

Kai: Maybe without Zane, there is no team.

(Eyezor and two other thugs come in.)

Jay: Oh. Don't look now, but we've got trouble.

(They force the Restaurant Owner to open the cash register and put him on the conveyor belt. They laugh.)

Thug: Check it out.

Me: Okay that's not cool.

Cole: All right, now they're our problem. Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food.

Kai: I'd listen if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry. (They attack each other.) All right, I admit it. We make a good team.

Cole: (He grabs the food Kai kicks off the conveyor belt.) Yeah, mmm. Everything's better on a full stomach. (Eyezor shatters a plate.) Hey, I was gonna eat that. (They defeat the thugs easily.)

Lloyd: How can you walk away from this? (They run away from the back door.)

Cole: Hey, let's get them, guys.

Kai: Oh, where did they go? Huh? (They see a table with a note and fortune cookies.)

Lloyd: What's this?

Jay: Uh... (They see a picture of Zane on the letter.)

Kai: (Gasps.) It's Zane.

Cole: What does it say?

Lloyd: It says he's alive. (Everyone gasps.)

Kai: I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House. I think they were delivering a message to us.

Jay: What do you mean it says he's alive?

Lloyd: Hey, I'm just telling you what it says.

Kai: Why would these thugs lead us here?

Cole: You know, this has to be some cruel joke. And I'm not laughing.

Me: I have to agree with Cole this is a very sick cruel joke.

Lloyd: Look. (He points to the fortune cookies.) I think this was meant for us too.

Jay: Fortune cookies? Very peculiar.

Lloyd: Should we? (Cole eats one.)

Logan looks at him in shock that he just ate the cookie when there is a fortune inside it.

Kai: Uh, you do realize there's a fortune inside, right?

Cole: Oh, so that's why they're called that.

Lloyd: (He reads his fortune.) Listen to this. "Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his Tournament of Elements."

Cole: Wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr. Chen, the same guy filling my belly with delicious goodness, is actually Master Chen?

Kai: "Secrecy is of the utmost importance. Tell no one, or suffer the consequences."

Jay: "If you ever want to see your friend again, meet on the pier at midnight and leave your weapons behind." (Their fortunes explode, and Cole belches.)

Cole: Uhh. At least I know I was invited. (Everyone laughs.)

Lloyd: You don't think...

Kai: It could be a trap. A lie to lure us in.

Jay: Yeah, but what if it's not? What if Zane's alive?

Lloyd: The Tournament of Elements. I'm starting to think this Master Chen makes more than noodles.

Kai: You can forget bringing in a new ninja, Lloyd. Let's go see about an old one.

Jan 1- 28-2024

Words counted:715

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