Prologue: Rebirth

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Winter 1315 -
Awakening, unable to recall the events that led to this moment, my memories are a complete blur. I am Gabriel Andrei Dăscalu, and I am from Villa Kulusvar in Transylvania. I am the son of Alexandru and Nicolea Dăscalu. Many miles outside our town, I find myself unsure of how I got here, trekking barefoot in only a linen robe amid freezing temperatures. A mesmerizing bewilderment takes hold. The biting cold pierces my skin, yet strangely, the winter chill fails to touch me. Despite the snow-covered ground, my feet remain untouched by the frozen, icy forest terrain. As I walk, I am mesmerized by not feeling the torturing sickles of numbing ice; I only feel the cold ground beneath me.

Unsure of my proximity to the outskirts of our town, a sound interrupts my thoughts—a giant bear that had just slain an immense elk. Strangely, I recognize the sounds even before laying eyes on them, as if I could hear the elk's rapid heartbeat and the bear's tearing against its flesh. Driven by an inexplicable urge, I walk for quite a distance until I'm stunned to find a large bear ravaging an elk. Blood covers the bear's face, claws, and entire front half. A primal urge pushes me forward, leading me to witness the brutal scene. Consumed by an unprecedented desire, I hear the bear's heartbeat inside of me with incredible, non-human speed. Without understanding what's happening, I tear into the bear's chest, ripping out its heart, and gorge upon it. The bear's massive body releases fresh, flowing blood; the metallic scent of blood hangs in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the surrounding forest. I feel a slight, piercing pain in my mouth. Surprised, I reach my hand up, realizing that the slightest touch to my tooth has cut my hand, causing it to bleed. Instinctively, I begin drinking the bear's blood and feasting on its bloody muscles, savoring every drop. The same ritual is then repeated for what remains of the elk.

The darkness envelops everything around me, but I can see as if it is day. I continue my way into town, hoping familiarity will bring clarity. As I approached, I overheard hushed voices, whispers of a tale that sent shivers down my spine. The hushed voices are like whispers carried by the winter wind. The chill in the air seems to amplify the weight of the words as they reach my ears. The smell of burning wood from distant hearths and the distant howls of wolves contribute to the haunting atmosphere, enveloping me in a familiar and unnerving world. My own name echoed in the whispered conversations of people I could not see but that my new hearing could somehow hear. I hear the words of many voices around town, whose words, not the frigid winter chill, send a frozen fear through my body. "Poor Gabriel," accompanied by words that I had been killed; my throat had been slit.

Haunted by this revelation, I grapple with an overwhelming sense of loss and confusion. A wave of disbelief washes over me. How could I be hearing about my own demise? As I continued listening, the details unfolded into a grim narrative. My parents, in mourning, were said to have cleaned and prepared my lifeless body for burial, only to discover my inexplicable disappearance before the grave service.

Haunted by this revelation, I grappled with the inexplicable circumstances surrounding me. As I navigated through the shadows, the truth of my existence seemed elusive, like a puzzle missing crucial pieces. I am unaware of my Upir nature, but I know I have abilities that are not humanly possible. Coursing through my veins is a newfound power that I do not understand. Knowing I could not return to see my family, I decided to uncover the mysteries of the new life I'd been forced into. I set out to learn about the truth behind the myths surrounding Upir, those creatures who haunt the darkest nightmares of small children. I venture deeper into the enigma of my newfound reality, yearning to know the truth that defines my existence.

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