Ava: Chapter Three

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Ava and I try to meet each day for the next few weeks to study and practice her ever-expanding English vocabulary. While she sleeps, I continue to do my part to single-handedly end this war. After three weeks of these nightly endeavors, we receive word that the forces near our battlefield are withdrawing back into Germany.

Around March, we receive a visit from Field Marshall General Montgomery. He is delighted with our position; he orders half of my men and one of my best officers to advance after the anxiously retreating Germans. Several medals were awarded to me during his visit, and there is talk about additional promotions. I am given the option to leave the battlefield and return to London.  Respectfully I declined this offer, stating that I have too much invested in these men and their lives and that I would see this through to the end.

The week following General Montgomery's departure, I was busy preparing and planning operations for my next in command to advance with the 250 men. My demanding schedule sometimes prevents me from meeting with Ava to practice her English, yet I make it a point to see her daily. Whether it's a surprise visit during breakfast or a brief stop during her clinic shift, I'm there. Occasionally, she's so engrossed in tending to the injuries of forlorn men that I choose not to interrupt, simply observing as she moves, almost flutters, from soldier to soldier with the grace of a hummingbird. Most evenings, we share dinner with Gladys and Dr. Willard in the mess hall.

After seeing my officer and now his men depart safely, I take a day off, which just so happens to be the same day Ava has off.

March 15, 1943:

I have a few items delivered for Ava and Gladys, including a few outfits, special toiletries, books, magazines, and, of course, a few bottles of the finest whiskey. It's increasingly clear that Gladys is becoming aware of the depth of my feelings for Ava, perhaps more than she had initially realized. The time Ava and I spend together and the joy that radiates from us when we're in each other's company hasn't gone unnoticed. Out of deep respect, I refrain from delving into Gladys's mind and reading her thoughts, choosing instead to rely on assumptions.

In the morning, I see Gladys outside, smoking a cigarette. Walking towards their tent, I carry several bags, feeling more at ease than I have in a long while. Gladys sees me coming, and I watch her stamp out her cigarette on the ground. She gazes at me, a smile spreading across her face, and with her deep Texan drawl, she says, "Hey there, Don Juan, how about you and I have ourselves a little chat?"

"Why is it when you say Don Juan, you make it sound so dirty?"

She raises her eyebrow at me, glances down towards my crotch, then looks back up at me, raises her eyebrow a little higher, and asks me. "Do I have to explain myself? I really wanna know what's going on between you and Ava. Like I said from the get-go, that girl means a lot to me, and it's crystal clear you're among the handful of men who have earned my respect. I'm unsure what you're aiming for or expect from her.

"Is she awake yet?"

Gladys shakes her head, no, and I place the bags in the tent and ask her to take a walk with me.

"I don't blame you for feeling protective of Ava because I feel the same way. Gladys, I am in love with her, and I haven't ever felt this way about anyone else in my life."

This wasn't a lie because her soul hadn't changed; only aspects of her had. Gladys's mouth gapes, and she stares at me for a long time and then begins to laugh her ass off.

"Gladys, I'm completely serious."

I start to feel a bit irritated until she says. "I know you're serious. I just wondered how long it would take you to figure this out. Hell, Gabriel, I sure the fuck don't believe in love at first sight, but the two of you make me rethink my stance on the topic."

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