For shit (part 1) - Capitol!fem

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Short note: I don't write in y/n I use a name. Her name's going to be Elora Hunter.

Elora came into the world quietly. Her mother had wondered if there were something wrong with her, apart from the fact that she wasn't born a boy. But sadly she was fine, and was then cursed to spend her life trying to leave the world screaming so loud everyone would finally hear her.

Where someone wouldn't just turn a blind eye to the abuse she'd suffer at home. To the neglect she'd go through, but when she was finally noticed, she would be slapped and beaten half to death.

She was quiet. She was calculating. She chose when to use her voice and when to simply observe. She couldn't control what was going on at home, but she could control how the outside world saw her.

And she would fucking rule them.

That was until she was partnered with Coriolanus Snow. A boy who she knew, despite his pristine Capitol aesthetic, was nowhere near as well off as he pretended to be. But she wouldn't say anything.

She had been previously partnered up with Hilarius Heavensbee. He was absolutely useless. She was glad that they had finally switched him out with someone else.

So when Professor Sickle shouted the partners and Snow's name came after her's. She simply shrugged her shoulders, picked up her bag, and moved to sit beside him.

The white hall echoing with the sound of students moving. Each one travelling to their new spot. She gracefully took her spot next to the snow coloured haired boy, crossing her legs as she pulled out her notebook and pen.

She re-emerged, noticing Snow's stare. She looked at him, squinting, "Is there something you'd like to tell me?" She asked, doing her best to keep her back straight and her head high, following the instincts she was bred to have.

Snow matched her stare, five words leaving his mouth that would make Elora question herself, "I see right through you," he stated simply.

She wondered what he meant. Saw right through her? Her expression remained calm as she hummed and began writing, noticing Professor Sickle beginning his lecture. But on the inside, her heart was hammering in her chest.

What did that mean? What did it mean? He saw right through her? Did he know? See her? Could he tell what was going on at home? If he told...Elora's family reputation would be ruined. She would be ruined.

No she couldn't have that. She needed her family name to get her to where she needed to be. She needed to get on top. She was a Hunter. And though her father brought her shame, the name was something she had to live up to.

Hunters hunt. They kill. And they win. And she was not going to lose.

"Right! First assignment for you and your new partners," Sickle sighed, looking just about finished with the young adults in the auditorium, "pick a job. An undervalued job, in your opinion, explain to me why it's undervalued and the importance it has to the Capitol," he droned.

Elora took notes, tucking her hair behind her ears. She turned to her partner, "where do you want to work on it?" She questioned him, hoping he would suggest his home.

Instead he simply shrugged, "Yours I suppose," he replied.

Elora's shoulders sagged. She didn't want her father hanging over her shoulder, she didn't want her mother to smile and pretend she was nurturing. No.

"Uh..."she laughed nervously, trying to think of an excuse, "I'm afraid my house is going under serious renovations at the moment and well, it wouldn't be very proper of me to accommodate you in the state that it's in," she said politely.

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