You (Sejanus's little sister)

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Elora Plinth. The quiet one. The forgotten Plinth. No one noticed her. No one spoke to her. Most didn't know her first name. They, at the bare minimum, identified her as "Sejanus's sister", is she was lucky. 

She didn't mind though. 

All these capitol snobs were fake in her books anyway, her real friends were back in District 2. 

She hated living here. She felt like she didn't belong. She envied how Sejanus molded into the lifestyle so easily. She still felt alien to the amount of money that they had, despite them having lived in the capitol for a while now. 

Sejanus was trying his best to be a good big brother to her, trying to introduce her to his friends, trying to help her in school, (although she didn't need it, her grades were better than his by a long run), trying to get her out of the house, but nothing worked. 

Elora would sit in her room, she would finish her assignments, her homework, she would study, she would read, she would listen to "district music", and she would read the letters from her friends back home. 

They were seemingly forgetting about her. Their letters becoming further and further apart, though hers remained on time. But they were the only people she wanted as friends. She chose to ignore the fact that the length of the letters were also becoming increasingly shorter as well. 

It was the day that she was supposed to receive her next letter, as was promised by her friend Luke, who was the only one who had truly remained consistent in his writing. Elora grinned and shot down the stairs. She was dressed in her pajama shirt and shorts, fluffy socks on her feet, her hair wildly flowing behind her as her footsteps echoed throughout the house. 

Her feet padded across the floor in an excited craze, she saw the maid holding the mail and immediately ran up to her. 

"Have I received any letters today?" She asked politely, "Oh! Good morning by the way," she added. 

The maid bowed, "Good morning Miss Elora," the maid shuffled through the letters, she looked up at the girl sympathetically, "I'm sorry miss...nothing." 

Elora's shoulders sagged, "Oh," she replied, smiling weakly, "Alright then. Thank you." 

The maid nodded and scurried away. 

Elora sighed, walking away towards the kitchen. She needed a pick me up, AKA a jar of strawberry jelly and a spoon. She was too busy sulking to register the voices of Sejanus and his friend in the when she walked in. 

The two stopped talking when she entered, their heads turning towards the girl. Her head low and her hair covered her face, she flipped it over her shoulder, walking over to the drawer and grabbing a spoon. She looked around until her eyes locked with the jam. She groaned when she realized how high it was. Sighing, she tried reaching for it on the tips of her toes, but failed to reach. 

The girl groaned loudly, climbing the counter under it and standing shakily. She swiped the jar from its shelf and put it down on the counter. She turned around to jump off and stopped when she noticed her brother and his friend. Sejanus was looking at her, unamused. His friend on the other hand looked flustered. 

She blushed, embarrassed, she knew this capitol kids thought it improper to walk around in your sleeping attire. But she couldn't care less. She was covered wasn't she. 

"Good morning...?" She tried, chuckling awkwardly. 

Sejanus gave her a bored look, gesturing over to his snow haired friend, "Elora, this is Coriolanus Snow. Coryo, this is my sister, Elora." 

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